sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010
domingo, 22 de agosto de 2010
viernes, 13 de agosto de 2010
The Evolution of Technology: The Internet
Since the beginning of humanity, we have used tools to communicate. Over time these tools have become more complex, like in 2700 BC when the Egyptians started using symbols to represent sounds; this later came to be known as The Alphabet. Every time a new discovery is made and changes the way that we live. But there's always some people that struggle to adapt. Like when radios were replaced by televisions. At first we didn't realize Tvs' potential; Tv is a new kind of communication fullfield by images, and the use of images change everything. Then this thing came called "The Internet". At first it was just emails and banner adds, but later it evolved to something much bigger. Just think about it: we used to come home to watch Tv, but now we watch Tv on the internet. And not just that: we search on the internet, we read blogs on the internet, we upload pictures to the internet, we update our status on the internet, we share our lives and experiences on the internet with the world. We're not only on the internet as ca-servers, we're on the internet to have a shared experience.
domingo, 8 de agosto de 2010
Hello profesor how are you? I hope that you are Ok i called tou several times and you did't answer please tell me whay are you going to do with me, and confirm me please your mail thank you profesor
jueves, 5 de agosto de 2010
It's an emergency!!!!!
The following students should call me as soon as possible:
Jose Balbuena
Juana Guzman
Miguel Ramirez
Smirlys Villega
Please call me: 829 458 7762. If you know any of these students, please tell them to call me or write, it is about their grades, I need some important information. Atilano.
Jose Balbuena
Juana Guzman
Miguel Ramirez
Smirlys Villega
Please call me: 829 458 7762. If you know any of these students, please tell them to call me or write, it is about their grades, I need some important information. Atilano.
lunes, 2 de agosto de 2010
domingo, 1 de agosto de 2010
**I dedicate this song specially its words speak about ATILANE, just thanks to be there, the song is in spanish but the feeling is in all the languages around the world.**
Yo soy tu amiga cuando a nadie le interesas, tan solo llamame y enseguida tocare a tu puerta. Yo soy tu amigo cuando buscas y no encuentras, tan solo llamame y estare a tu lado cuando quieras. Somos el viento que despierta el alba, dos nubes blancas bajo la ventana, yo soy tu carga que no pesa nada, tu eres el rio donde bebo el agua, tomalo todo pide lo que quieras, haz el camino y seguire tus huellas yo soy tu sombra cuando mas se oculta el sol. Somos amigos tocame a la puerta Si es tarde y tus sueños no llegan Haz de mi pecho tu almohada mejor Apoyate en mi cabeza, Siempre Somos amigos en malas y buenas de hacer castillos en la arena Y juntos contar gaviotas tal vez, Mas tarde encender la hoguera Cuenta conmigo cuando ni contar pudieras Tan solo buscame que yo soy recuerdo que te espera Cuenta conmigo si tu pelo aun se enreda Tan solo buscame, que en tu cuerpo navegar pudiera Marca las horas que estaremos juntos Abre tus alas al mar profundo Eres el tiempo que mas me alegra Yo soy velero que no se aleja Tomalo todo, pide lo que quieras Haz el camino y seguire tus huellas Yo soy tu sombra cuando mas se oculta el sol Somos amigos tocame a la puerta Si es tarde y tus sueños no llegan Haz de mi pecho tu almohada mejor Apoyate en mi cabeza, Siempre Somos amigos en malas y buenas de hacer castillos en la arena Y juntos contar gaviotas tal vez, Mas tarde encender la hoguera (dos veces)

I wanted to share with you about this institution, the name Conadis mean in spanish *Consejo Nacional de Discpacitados*. this institution is responsible and functioning of the national council on desability iqualities. they offer integration services work for people with disabilities, but the thing that catched my attention is that most of its employees are special people with disabilities, blinds, mutes, deaf and people with wheelchairs trying to get a normal life.
My sister work there and she says that is incredible the funny that they are working and sharing with others.
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