Baseball is one of the most widely watched and played sports in the world's history.In Japan has existed since 1873. It first appeared among the social, cultural and technological spams Japan endured on the heels of the meijin restoration, which was a turning point in japanese history in 1868 when the last shogun was overthrown and the emperaror assumed direct control over the nation. Nevertheless i have never been lured by baseball, i like how this game is viewed in Japan according to the pamphlet as a principle of self-sacrifice for the good of the group. This perspective really drew my attention, because i think is remarkable a way of accomplishing something, and it gives the feeling to be part of in whatever thing any group is pursuing together for a common purspose without being a burden to somebody else or the group itself. Finally, one thing that was truly astonoshing for me was Babe Ruth, one of the best baseball player in the U.S history was struck out in one game three times by 17 year old pitcher called Eiji Sawamura.