The first time I saw this article I had no idea what it was about, I thought that probably it was about an special sport. I just read it and I realize that it was an sport like I thought but it was just the regular baseball, the one that everybody knows and a lot of people like.I did not know that japanese were good at good at baseball, a sport that was developed in the United States and is played with a bat and a ball. I did not even know that baseball was played in Japan but after I read J-ball I found out that this sport is well known and played in Japan since long time ago.
In my opinion baseball is boring and I can barely understand how to play it, but it seems that not only American or Dominican people like it. In Japan as well as in The Dominican Republic there are good baseball players and they got to join the major league in The United States.
By Rosa Nohemi Garcia Garcia ( Rossy).