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viernes, 20 de septiembre de 2019
martes, 23 de febrero de 2016
The internet and other Addictions
In these times internet has overwhelmed the society, has become addicted to it and some people can't control it.
when a person is addicted to the internet feels the need of being in front of the computer all day and it becomes antisocial and an isolated person.
In my opinion an addiction is an addiction no matter what, but I think that internet addiction is a little bit more easy to get over.
So, please, let's be more social in person, let's get our nouses out of the phones and computers and let's start being more happy living the real life.
Diana Joa Salazar
when a person is addicted to the internet feels the need of being in front of the computer all day and it becomes antisocial and an isolated person.
In my opinion an addiction is an addiction no matter what, but I think that internet addiction is a little bit more easy to get over.
So, please, let's be more social in person, let's get our nouses out of the phones and computers and let's start being more happy living the real life.
Diana Joa Salazar
viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2014
The Ups and Downs of Yoyo.
Ups and Downs
This is definitely the best topic that we had in this class, for me it was very exciting, I can not believe that yoyos where so famous and well known all over the world. When I was a child I used to play yoyos that was one of my favorite toys, I could spent hours paying it, I thought that yoyos were only known in the Dominican Republic, Actually I thought that yoyos were made in the Dominican Republic.

After I read this article about yoyos and their origins I realized that yoyos are well known all over the world. I was surprised that this plaything was used by wealthy people.

After I read this article about yoyos and their origins I realized that yoyos are well known all over the world. I was surprised that this plaything was used by wealthy people.
jueves, 11 de diciembre de 2014
Im going to talk about yo yos according to historyno one knows where yo yos originated and when this appeared. by that I found In internet the best gues is china about 3000 years ago .
The specific of yo -yo is uncertain. Early versions of the toy have been placed in China, Greece, and the Philippines.
The specific of yo -yo is uncertain. Early versions of the toy have been placed in China, Greece, and the Philippines.
YO-YOS Is one of the ancient toy aroun the world.
The National Museum of Athens houses several vases dating from around 500 B.C. depicting young Greeks playing with discs tethered to a cord. The word yo-yo means come come in the native Philippine language, Tagalog, and yo-yos have been hand-carved in that country for thousands of years.
according to the history this toy was use in the pass for the aristocracy andt for the adults in the french revolucion to relivef tension. and that toy was a symbol of wealth too.
according to the history this toy was use in the pass for the aristocracy andt for the adults in the french revolucion to relivef tension. and that toy was a symbol of wealth too.
WHO Discovered America?
Im going to talk about who discovered America. who discovered America ? this is a good question, because there are many theories about who did, but the more controversary theory is the theory of the bristh historian Gavin Menzies.
I was surfing in internet and and researching about who were the first who discovered America and I found the theory of Gavin Menzies. the theory of Menzies turn the story of Europeans discovery of America; on its ears with startling idea: chinese sailor beat christopher columbus by more than 70 years say menzies in his book 1421.
Gavin Menzies, a British historian, claims Chiense Admiral Zheng He set up colonies and sailed round South America before Columbus
Menzies' new book, 'Who Discovered America?' also claims the Chinese have been sailing to the New World since 40,000 BC across the Pacific Ocean
His theories are not widely accepted by academia and he has been labeled a 'pseudo-historian'
For me the theory of menzies may not turn out be correct but if somebody who is bold enough , to present an alternative hipotesis to the main strean perspective ,tha columbus was the firs, is a ridiculed
beside that if the chinese had been the first the story has been different. different culture , different thoughts and well all the things different.
I was surfing in internet and and researching about who were the first who discovered America and I found the theory of Gavin Menzies. the theory of Menzies turn the story of Europeans discovery of America; on its ears with startling idea: chinese sailor beat christopher columbus by more than 70 years say menzies in his book 1421.
The theory of menzies has generated controversy within the halls scholarship.
the following information has been taken from
A copy of a 600-year-old map found in a second-hand book shop is the key to proving that the Chinese, not Christopher Columbus, were the first to discover the New World, a controversial British historian claims.
The document is purportedly an 18th century copy of a 1418 map charted by Chinese Admiral Zheng He, which appears to show the New World in some detail.
This purported evidence that a Chinese sailor mapped the Western Hemisphere more than seven decades before Columbus is just one of Earth-shattering claims that author Gavin Menzies makes in his new book ‘Who Discovered America?’ - out today, just in time for the Columbus Day holiday.
‘The traditional story of Columbus discovering the New World is absolute fantasy, it’s fairy tales,’ Mr Menzies told MailOnline.
Mr Menzies believes that this portion of the map depicts the Chinese mapping of North and South America in 1418 - showing major rivers.
beside that if the chinese had been the first the story has been different. different culture , different thoughts and well all the things different.
domingo, 7 de diciembre de 2014
Dominican baseball
Baseball is the official sport of the Dominican Republic.
The baseball was introduced in the late nineteenth century and quickly became the most popular sport in the country.
Internationally, the Dominican Republic is currently the country's largest exporter of baseball players.
Recently many Dominicans have started to play professional baseball leagues Mexico japan and the largest outside the United States and Canada summer leagues.
martes, 2 de diciembre de 2014
Did the Chinese Discover America?
It was Catchy for me to read the question about Did the chinese discover America?
is my first time that I'm confronted and later I thought could have been other person who'd discover america except Columbus?. For this and other questions is that I consider is important to know about other coments about America's Discovering. Acording to the book there are evidences that suggests before Columbus got America already the Viking Leif Ericsonhad crossed the atlantic and visited North America in the eleventh century in others words more than 65 years before Christopher Columbus.
I think this information could change the History's curse. It's for that reason that I think is a big challenge for the next generations to search and trying to find out about this important matter.
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