jueves, 11 de diciembre de 2014


Im going to talk about yo yos  according to historyno one knows where  yo yos originated and when  this appeared. by that I found In internet    the best gues is china about 3000  years ago .
The specific of yo -yo is uncertain. Early versions of the toy have been placed in China, Greece, and the Philippines.

YO-YOS  Is one of  the ancient toy aroun the world.

The National Museum of Athens houses several vases dating from around 500 B.C. depicting young Greeks playing with discs tethered to a cord. The word yo-yo means come come in the native Philippine language, Tagalog, and yo-yos have been hand-carved in that country for thousands of years.

 according to the history  this toy  was  use in the pass  for the aristocracy andt for the adults in the french revolucion  to relivef tension. and  that toy was a symbol of wealth too.

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