miércoles, 14 de julio de 2010

The Name Game

This lesson has gave me many knowledges
about what important is a product or a com-
pany name.

For example in my countryside l have seen
different types of names but mayorities of
them have the name of their owners or the
name of the ownes" daughter or son.

You can find names like: Super Col. Noelia,
Disco Madrid, Pica Pollo Talina, Camerfy
auto import, and many others.

All these names maintain close relations
with the product name, except the businesses
which have the owner "s name.

I am agree that the name of a company or a
product is the first contact with the external
world. So, through the name the company and
the product are known because it annouce the
importance of them.

Miguel Ramirez C.

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