smart cars in the future
martes, 17 de diciembre de 2013
jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2013
Luis Alejandro Ureña chala ID: DE-8152
Mr. Atilano pimentel:
Here i am to explain what happenned to me last week and also to find a solution because i dont want to repeat this subjet next semester.
I know i have potential to get very hight grades but unfortunately i coudnt be present thanks to a problem un My eye.
I hope we could talk and find a diplomatic solution so please lets get un contact to see what can we do. However please send me your phone number or another way to talk to you. Thank you teacher.
Mr. Atilano pimentel:
Here i am to explain what happenned to me last week and also to find a solution because i dont want to repeat this subjet next semester.
I know i have potential to get very hight grades but unfortunately i coudnt be present thanks to a problem un My eye.
I hope we could talk and find a diplomatic solution so please lets get un contact to see what can we do. However please send me your phone number or another way to talk to you. Thank you teacher.
lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013
Mostrando las entradas para la consulta yo -yosordenadas por relevancia. Ordenar por fecha Mostrar todas las entradas

The ups and down of Yo-yo
As you can see is not good or interesting topic (The ups and down of Yo-yo) but when you skim the article you can find interesting informations such as Baby Boomers, The Big Depression, etc.
Napoleon "was playing with a Yo-yo a night before of the waterloo battle", it was the most important battle of Napoleon war.
I haven't known about Yo-yo's popularity.
I haven't known about Yo-yo's popularity.
My point of view about a Yo-yo:
Thinking in a Yo-yo and when it was created I can say that a Yo-yo was a superficial and conceited plaything. obviously a toy which was used by the aristocrat, nobles, tycoon peoples, etc.
Mr.: Yo-yo
A: Angela
A: Hello Mr. Yo-yo, my name is Angela Gómez and I sent you 3 questions some days ago and you haven't answered me yet. Mr. now a days you aren`t so popular and I want to know how do you feel?
Mr.: Hello miss Gómez, no really well but I had my ups time and I was so happy and now I must to understand my reality.
A: Mr. Yo-yo you are so optimistic!!!
Mr: Yes why not. That's life, everybody has his ups and down.
A: Is true Mr. Yo-yo, and what do you do in your free time?
Mr.: I pass more time with my family.
A: Did you travel a lot of in you famous days?
Mr.: Yes of course, I traveled all over the world for the five continents.
A: WAO!!! Mr. Yo-yo you had an interesting life. Mr. Yo-yo have you ever been in the caribe?
Mr.: Yes I have, but not in my famous days.
A: Thanks for give me this interview.
Mr.: Was a pleasure.
After my interview with Mr. Yo-yo I have to say what I was wrong about him because Mr. Yo-yo is a nice and easigoing plaything I feel that I have known him for some time a long.
YO YO! Si yo soy yo. mandame a mi. jejeje
I like YO YO a lot, but I do not know many tricks.
If you've mastered easy yo-yo tricks and intermediate yo-yo tricks, you are ready for the good stuff -- advanced yo-yo tricks. These feats of dexterity and skill are fun to both watch and perform.
Many of these tricks are complicated and might require a little extra practice, so don't give up if you can't master them right away. If you keep trying, you will be pleased with the results. Your audiences will be pleased too!
If you've mastered easy yo-yo tricks and intermediate yo-yo tricks, you are ready for the good stuff -- advanced yo-yo tricks. These feats of dexterity and skill are fun to both watch and perform.
Many of these tricks are complicated and might require a little extra practice, so don't give up if you can't master them right away. If you keep trying, you will be pleased with the results. Your audiences will be pleased too!
The yo-yo is a popular toy consisting of a length of string tied at one end to a flat spool. It is played by holding the free end of the string (usually by inserting one finger in a slip knot) and pulling at it so as to cause the spool to turn whilst suspended in mid-air, either taking up or releasing the string. First made popular in the 1920s, yo-yoing is still very much enjoyed by both children and adults, though it was originally made as a children's toy.
Keeping a yo-yo spinning while remaining at the end of its uncoiled string is known as sleeping. Sleeping is the basis for nearly all yo-yo tricks other than looping, the player first putting the yo-yo in a "sleep" before throwing the yo-yo around using its string
When I was in school taught me that who discovered america was columbus ,but in this story i found that he wasn't the first explorer because it says that there are other people that were explorer too.Really ,I don't know who discover america ,and Ithink that the story has to be revised.
sentences with the vocabulary of Unit Eight
Unit Eight: The Ups and Downs of YO-YOS
sentences with the vocabulary of Unit Eight
1) My parents had their ups and dows,but they stayed married for more than 25 years.
2) Hi5 was a popular social network that lost its appeal to many people.
3) My sister Karina is always interested in the latest fads.
4) Human beings possess an unique identity and many qualities which make them special in the world.
5) Kate's boyfriend thinks she is just his plaything because he starts and breaks his relationship with her when he wants.
6) Chairman Yu is a tycoon who owns multiple hotel chains.
sentences with the vocabulary of Unit Eight
1) My parents had their ups and dows,but they stayed married for more than 25 years.
2) Hi5 was a popular social network that lost its appeal to many people.
3) My sister Karina is always interested in the latest fads.
4) Human beings possess an unique identity and many qualities which make them special in the world.
5) Kate's boyfriend thinks she is just his plaything because he starts and breaks his relationship with her when he wants.
6) Chairman Yu is a tycoon who owns multiple hotel chains.
martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013
Did the Chinese Discover America?
Who Discovered America?
In our schools always taught us that Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492, but is this research true? We must study, make investigations, read a lot of sources to prove it. In this unit about America, i felt a little bit confusing and this encorage me to read more about this topic. I found on Internet that a lot of differents groups of voyagers did the trip before Columbus. So, now im really confused about this topic, but i just have to continue reading and studying about it.The ups and downs of Yo-Yos
In this lesson about Yoyos, i learned its date of creation. I used to play with Yoyos when i was younger. I guess it was created about 90´s, but now i know that i was wrong. Yoyo is a very good toy and is cheap too. With this toy you can learn a lot of good movements to show and enjoy with your family and friends. Around my neighborhood, my friends and i used to play a lot of time with our Yoyos, we made competitions and we shared our new movements created by ourserlves. Nowadays, kids dont´t want to use it anymore. They prefer using video games, guns, and bad toys. Those good days with educative toys are only in our minds. See you.....
Did the chinese discover america?
I think that the answer is YES, becouse exist many evidences that confirm that is real, eventhough after zhen he died and china stopped the exploration for that reason the history that everybody knows that was cristhopher columbus that discovered america would be different.
zheng he made a lot voyage to everywhere of the world, but was in 350 years where didnt exist way that you can desmonstrating that you done.
I think that the answer is YES, becouse exist many evidences that confirm that is real, eventhough after zhen he died and china stopped the exploration for that reason the history that everybody knows that was cristhopher columbus that discovered america would be different.
zheng he made a lot voyage to everywhere of the world, but was in 350 years where didnt exist way that you can desmonstrating that you done.
Smarts cars will be successful to the humanity through years, one reason is its technology that will have these cars. it will be able to do everythingh that you might think.
for example it can change the oil by itself, also these systems beep or warm drivers with a voice signal if the vehicle gets too cklose to an object or another vehicle or if it strays of its line.
I think in that way will have less accident in the world becouse there are many careless drivers that get in involved in accident daily.
for example it can change the oil by itself, also these systems beep or warm drivers with a voice signal if the vehicle gets too cklose to an object or another vehicle or if it strays of its line.
I think in that way will have less accident in the world becouse there are many careless drivers that get in involved in accident daily.
lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2013
Choosing good names for companies
How a company choose its name? Is it easy?
Many people may think that choosing a good name for a company is very easy, but this is not an easy job. Lots of companies have gone bankrupt because of their names.
So, if a company wants to succeed in the business world one thing it has to do is to choose a catchy name, a name that sticks in the people`s mind. That is why companies hire experts in the area to know all the pros and cons while choosing a name. But also, some companies have decided to choose straightfoward names, like the name or names of the founders. others are identified by initials, and others by the products they sell.
Choosing a name for a company could seem to be easy, but it will be a challenge for you to strugle to find the perfect name, which has the power to make you succeed in the business world or to make you fail.
domingo, 17 de noviembre de 2013
Yo-yo is a
toy whose origin has not discovered exactly, but there have been presented some
dates and places where there are evidence of its appearance through the years.
One of this it´s guess that China it was used about 3000 years ago. Also in Greece
around 500 B.C. yo-yo were used and called discs, they were made of terracotta,
wood and metal. After this, yo-yo was related to the Mayan culture in Mexico's
Yucatan peninsula about A.D.700. Then the yoyo appeared in India in 1765. Later
in the 1791, a French painting done pictures the future king Louis XVII yo-yoing.
became a symbol of fashion and wealth, at that moment they were being made of
crystals, stones and precious metals.
For 1790 the yo-yo wasn´t only just a game for
children, it was also used by youth and adults to relax time, including
Napoleon and his soldiers in the battle of 1815.
In 1866,
James L. Haven and Charles Hettrick of Cincinnati signed a U.S. patent. But it
was not until 1928 when Pedro Flores opened a factory and to the next year had
to open two more factories, by the high demand that yo-yo had, to the point of
reaching 300,000 units produced daily. In one month in 1930, in the state of
Philadelphia were sold 3 million yo-yos.
With so many
years of history yo-yo has also had its glorious moments when it traveled to
space in shuttle Discovery, and years later, in the space shuttle Atlantis. Sharing
with celebrities, as the U.S.A. Presidents John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson
and Richard Nixon, who enjoyed playing yo-yo as a pastime, as they were often
seen playing with the yo-yo at the presidential office in the White House. Another
remarkable feat is the Fast Eddy ('fast') McDonald, who holds the title of the
person in the world that can do more "loops" in an hour ", after
taking 8437 with his yo-yo.
Smart Cars
Technology in cars has really helped people, especially they who have some physical limitations, because some smart cars are designed with special features to allow for things that in past were just a dream.
Besides, vehicles are constantly evaluated for the purpose of improving their quality and make less risky situations to people who are involved daily using this transportation mean, as useful and dangerous at the same time, because there are some people who don´t understand that an irresponsibily car driven or a neglect car can become a lethal weapon for both, the user and any other person around them.
In other hand, noteworthy that although the smart cars have been , are and will be one of the great challenges of the automotive companies , we also have to say that is a reality that not many can achieve, because as a car has more bells and whistles increases its price, so that candidates for acquisition decrease and that is why some companies such as: aston martin, bugatti , ferrary , lamboghini , maseraty and other companies less known, have limited edition of some of their models , there are cases like the model of the brand Maybach Exelero , which only produced one and was sold at 5.4 million euros, and so far the world's most expensive car .
Technology in cars has really helped people, especially they who have some physical limitations, because some smart cars are designed with special features to allow for things that in past were just a dream.
Besides, vehicles are constantly evaluated for the purpose of improving their quality and make less risky situations to people who are involved daily using this transportation mean, as useful and dangerous at the same time, because there are some people who don´t understand that an irresponsibily car driven or a neglect car can become a lethal weapon for both, the user and any other person around them.
In other hand, noteworthy that although the smart cars have been , are and will be one of the great challenges of the automotive companies , we also have to say that is a reality that not many can achieve, because as a car has more bells and whistles increases its price, so that candidates for acquisition decrease and that is why some companies such as: aston martin, bugatti , ferrary , lamboghini , maseraty and other companies less known, have limited edition of some of their models , there are cases like the model of the brand Maybach Exelero , which only produced one and was sold at 5.4 million euros, and so far the world's most expensive car .
Mastering the law of gravity.
Mastering the law of gravity.
reading is about Yuen Wo´Ping, who is a 68 years old Chinese man. He is considered the
best action movies director and
choreographer because of his influential and successful career.
is member of a remarkable family, who were involved in a kind of opera, which
has a traditional acrobatic dancing and extravagant martial art. His father and
four of his other eleven children, (Yuen´s brothers) have had careers related
to movie industry in Asia.
Following there are some important dates in his life and some of the names of productions where he has worked.
1945- His birth.
1965- He was working as an actor and stuntman
in Hong Kong movies.
1966- ¨Magnificent Trio¨
1967- ¨One-Armed
1970- ¨Chinese Boxer¨
1971- He received his first choreography work
in ¨Mad Killer¨
1972- ¨Kung Fu, the Invincible Fist¨ and ¨Deadly
Buddhist Riders¨
1973- ¨Rage of Wind¨
and ¨Blood Brothers¨
1977- ¨Secret Rivals 2nd¨
1978- ¨Snake in the
Eagle´s Shadow¨ and ¨Drunken Master¨
1979- He opened his own
production and action choreography in Hong Kong. Also worked in ¨Magnificent
1982- ¨Dreadnaught¨
1992- He won the Hong Kong Film Award for
action choreography for ¨Once Upon a Time China II¨ and he worked in¨The Twin Dragons¨
1993- ¨Iron Monkey and Tai Chi Master¨
1994- ¨Fist of legend¨
1995- ¨Sense and
1996- ¨The Ice storm¨
1999- ¨Matrix¨
2000- ¨Crouching Tiger,
Hidden Dragon¨
2001- He won four
Academy Award for ¨The Ice storm¨
2003- ¨The Matrix
Reloaded¨ and ¨The Matrix Revolutions¨
2003-¨ Kill Bill 1¨
2004- ¨Kung Fu Sion¨
and ¨Danny the Dog¨
2005- ¨The Tai Chi
2006- ¨Fearless¨
In this unit we also can find some information about how martial arts has been
including in action movies and how successful have resulted. Furthermore,
there are details of wire work, impromptu weapons and how some special effects
are created. But to me, the amazing information is to know that in Matrix, the
second movie, they took a month to get a 5-minute scene right exactly as they
In this lesson I learned that movies are not as easy as they seems to be when we watch them on t.v. or in the movie theather.
sábado, 16 de noviembre de 2013
I love watching movies and going to the movie theaters. For me watching movies is a way of relaxing from all this stressful world. With all the variation in movies you can choose whichever you want to.
For example, we have action movies. Action movies are those which have challenge scenes such as explosions, car chases, or in which the stant has to fight a lot to become the hero. Romantic movies are those in which, of course, the romance takes part. Tthey can be also action movies, but they focus on the girl and the boy. Comedy movies are those which are made to make people laugh. They can also have slapstick humor. Fiction movies are those in which nothing that happens in the movie is true. they are fake, and sometimes is very obviou,s like chinese fighting movies or... matrix.
Well, these are some of the different kind of movies we can find. But also, there are others like cartoon movies, of wars, suspence movies, and so on...
I like to see different kind of movies. For example, i like to watch all romantic movies, but i love suspence movies. To feel your heart beating so fast while watching the movie and then scream for something that happens in the movie... i think i like the adrenalin!
So, if you don´t want to do a big thing but you want to spend a good time you can choose to watch a movie with your friends and have a good time!
I love watching movies and going to the movie theaters. For me watching movies is a way of relaxing from all this stressful world. With all the variation in movies you can choose whichever you want to.
For example, we have action movies. Action movies are those which have challenge scenes such as explosions, car chases, or in which the stant has to fight a lot to become the hero. Romantic movies are those in which, of course, the romance takes part. Tthey can be also action movies, but they focus on the girl and the boy. Comedy movies are those which are made to make people laugh. They can also have slapstick humor. Fiction movies are those in which nothing that happens in the movie is true. they are fake, and sometimes is very obviou,s like chinese fighting movies or... matrix.
Well, these are some of the different kind of movies we can find. But also, there are others like cartoon movies, of wars, suspence movies, and so on...
I like to see different kind of movies. For example, i like to watch all romantic movies, but i love suspence movies. To feel your heart beating so fast while watching the movie and then scream for something that happens in the movie... i think i like the adrenalin!
So, if you don´t want to do a big thing but you want to spend a good time you can choose to watch a movie with your friends and have a good time!
viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013
About God and changes....
About God
He was sitting with his pink tank top and his tight jeans,
looking oblivious to his surroundings and the lady staring at him.
She wore a seriously long skirt with an afro hair and the
Bible under her arm, wondering why he had to be that way, looking at his
persona as if he were something hideous. She pretended to read her medicine
book at the moment he caught her eyes on him.
Pain, rejection, judgment, and the desire to shout out how
bad he wanted to, but couldn’t change who he was, were the things he usually
struggled with.
God came to earth to, literally felt each and every one of
the sins committed by us and to us at the cross; it wasn’t the nail pierced
hands and feet that killed him to later resurrect, it was the pain of all
humanity on his flesh. After resurrecting, he gave humans the chance to
eternally live by his grace, and this, ladies and gentleman it’s what a lot
people have a problem understanding. If he had the power to resurrect and to
carry all of our mug then it is Him and only Him who can save us and change us.
A lot of people who share my faith in Christ can be judgmental;
Jesus shows his mercy over and over again in their lives and yet they refuse to
do the same. Change it’s an impossible thing for a human being to achieve
but a piece of cake for God! Therefore,
instead of judging people, we should preach about God’s love and then let God
and God alone to do the rest.
Here’s a video from an amazing Christian artist who let God to change her life.
Enjoy and God bless you!
miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2013
The Thailand fighting fish
The betta grows
to an overall length of about 7 cm, including fins. On the left of its body, we
could see the mouth, beneath there are
the gills cover or operculum, followed by the pectoral fins, and on the top of
the body are located the eyes .
On the right
side, is located the caudal peduncle followed by the long and gorgeous caudal
fin that astonished the world. Above the
body is located the dorsal fin that grows until reach the anal fin that is
located just below the betta's body, next to the ventral fins or pelvic fins.
By: Hector Denys
Feliz Montero.
domingo, 3 de noviembre de 2013
martes, 22 de octubre de 2013
who discovered america
Mr Menzies debuted his Asia-centric theories with 2002's '1421: The Year China Discovered the World.' In it, he said that the famed Chinese sailor Admiral Zheng He, who is known to have reached Europe and Africa, also crossed the Pacific Ocean to the Western Hemisphere.
He claims that Zheng He not only reached the New World, he left colonies there. His fleet also sailed around the tip of South America - through the Strait of Megellan around the Gulf of Mexico and up the Mississippi.
There is evidence, both archaeological and genetic, Menzies says, that Zheng He left his mark in California, Florida, Virginia and even the Outer Banks of North Carolina.
In 'Who Discovered America?' Menzies focuses on theories that Asians also made it to North and South America by sea long before even Zheng He.
'It appears certain that man reached the Americas by sea at least forty thousands years ago,' Menzies writes.
'Doubtless this date will be continuously pushed back, probably to 100,000 BC, which was when the first peoples sailed the Mediterranean to Crete and (separately) in the south from Asia to Australia.'
Most scientists believe man first widely populated the Western Hemisphere 13,000 to 16,500 years ago.
The almost universally-held theory among academics is that man came to the New World by crossing the Bering Strait land-bridge between Asia and North America.
'The more I thought about the Bering Straight theory of populating the Americas, the more ridiculous it became,' Mr Menzies writes about his investigation of the topic
Mr Menzies says the idea that man was able to cross the Pacific Ocean around 40,000 BC isn't nearly as dramatic as it seems.
'If you just go out in a plastic bath tub, the currents will just carry you there,' he told MailOnline. 'They just came with the current, it’s as simple as that.'
He added: 'There’s nothing terribly remarkable about. Man has been seafaring for vastly longer than convention credit has given them credit for.'
the yo yos
The Yo-Yo's recorded their first single, titled Out Of My Mind and then joined The Backyard Babies for a UK tour. Another single was then recorded, entitled Rumbled. The Yo-Yo's continued to tour the UK and were then signed by US label The Yo-Yo's recorded their first single, titled "Out Of My Mind" and then joined The Backyard for a UK tour. Another single was then recorded, entitled Rumbled The Yo-Yo's continued to tour the UK and were then signed by US label Sub Pop.
On the Sub Pop label, the Yo-Yo's released their debut album, Uppers & Downers on CD and LP in 2000. Despite gaining a cult following as well favourable coverage from the rock and indie press, they split up do to infighting among members.
Neil Phillips went on to play for Danny Frye & The Devildolls, and also return his concentration to his own B-Movie Heroes whilst Andy Selway went onto KMFDM. Neil Phillips released his debut solo album in July 2012 under the name Jackrabbit Parole. The album, 'It's a Long Way Back to th Drawing Board', is available through Front Room Records.
In 2005 the group reformed with a new lineup that included McCormack and Spencer, along with Rich Jones (Amen, The Black Halos) on guitar the band recorded a new EP entitled "Given Up Giving Up" and successfully toured the UK supporting 3 Colours Red. The EP was initially due for release on Mighty Atom Records but was put out on Undergroove records at the last minute.
Ex-Wildhearts drummer Stidi originally took up drumming duties for the band but was replaced last minute before recording began, the job went to Craig Herdman The Cherrykicks. The band finally walked out on McCormack halfway through a tour with AntiProduct due to further drug problems. However, Danny completed the tour in defiance, with support band 'Any Given Day' providing a backing band for him to front. Pop.
On the Sub Pop label, the Yo-Yo's released their debut album, Uppers & Downers on CD and LP in 2000. Despite gaining a cult following as well favourable coverage from the rock and indie press, they split up do to infighting among members.
Neil Phillips went on to play for Danny Frye & The Devildolls, and also return his concentration to his own B-Movie Heroes whilst Andy Selway went onto KMFDM. Neil Phillips released his debut solo album in July 2012 under the name Jackrabbit Parole. The album, 'It's a Long Way Back to th Drawing Board', is available through Front Room Records.
In 2005 the group reformed with a new lineup that included McCormack and Spencer, along with Rich Jones Amen, The Black Halos on guitar the band recorded a new EP entitled Given Up Giving Up and successfully toured the UK supporting 3 Colours Red. The EP was initially due for release on Mighty Atom Records but was put out on Undergroove records at the last minute.
Ex-Wildhearts drummer Stidi originally took up drumming duties for the band but was replaced last minute before recording began, the job went to Craig Herdman The Cherrykicks. The band finally walked out on McCormack halfway through a tour with AntiProduct due to further drug problems. However, Danny completed the tour in defiance, with support band 'Any Given Day' providing a backing band for him to front.
the smart cars
The design concept for smart cars began in the late 1980s, associated at the time with the swatchbrand of watches. After a period of backing by Volkswagen, the first model was finally launched by Daimler-Benz in October 1998. Several variants on the original design have been introduced, with the original design, called theFortwo, now in its second generation and available as anelectric version.Smart models are marketed globally, including in Asia, North and South America, Australia and in Europe and have been the basis for conversions and design modifications by third parties, including electric conversions and performance upgrades. Brabus tuned production models are widely available.Apart from the original short Smart Fortwo, a sporty Smart Roadster, a limited production of 2000 erstwhile concept Smart Crossblade and a supermini Smart Forfour were also offered. These have now been discontinued. There were also plans to introduce the French made cross-over based on the body of the ForFour and the AWD hardware of the Mercedes C-class with the name of Formore but industrialization of this was cancelled at the 11th hour even as tooling was being installed in the assembly plant due to unfavourable exchange rate swings and spending cutbacks driven by losses elsewhere within Smar.

my favorite movie
my favorite movie is 80 days around the world, its lead actor is jackie chan is an excellent movie and very funny also. will not be able forget this movie because i laughed all night alone whit my cousin, we liked from the beginning to the end. this plot was very interesting as all the movies of this man. I recommend it because is good.
lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013
The new karate kid 2010.
The new karate kid 2010 with Jaden smith and Jackie Chan is
a new version of the movie karate kid. The first movie was in 1984 in USA, “I
love the new version because is new”.
Jackie Chan is a very good actor, I really love his
movies because he have too much talent ,
he is an martial artist, comedian ,
singer , actor , acrobat director , screenwriter , and film producer Chinese ,
I really love the kid who was working with him in that movie , because he is a good
actor too.
Although he only is a kid I think he, have much talent,
because he is a will smith‘s son.
The movie shows us a kid who lives in USA and move to china
with his mother because his father dies, many years ago. When he arrived to
china he feels so strange and he was teased by others kid that hit him and
Jackie Chan teach him how to fight karate... At the end of movie the kid fight
in a tournament, although he broke his leg, he won.
This movie is amazing; because you can learn how continue
with you live when we have big changes in our lives.
domingo, 13 de octubre de 2013
Did The Chinese Discover America?
I had not idea of that the Chinese travel around the world in the past. This is new for me. Chinese culture is very old and traditional. They have a great knowledge accumulated over thousands of years. The Chinese have brought to mankind many scientific advances. They invented gunpowder and the compass. But I never had imagined them to be as skilled navigators and that they had arrived as far and made contact with other peoples of antiquity.
I had not idea of that the Chinese travel around the world in the past. This is new for me. Chinese culture is very old and traditional. They have a great knowledge accumulated over thousands of years. The Chinese have brought to mankind many scientific advances. They invented gunpowder and the compass. But I never had imagined them to be as skilled navigators and that they had arrived as far and made contact with other peoples of antiquity.
Information communication technology (ICT) is a key technology for developing smart cars, its usage in current vehicles is steadily progressing, and the related research issues are very popular and challenging, especially for future smart cars. Hence, we invite investigators to contribute original research articles as well as review articles that will stimulate the continuing efforts to understand the ICT used in future smart cars. We are particularly interested in articles describing novel services or innovational technologies for future smart cars from sensor networks, electronic control units, vehicle safety systems, vehicle-to-infrastructure communications, vehicle-to-vehicle communications, on-board diagnostics, head-up display, and location-aware services. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
Sensors and vehicular networks for smart cars
Embedded systems for smart cars
Intelligent vehicle safety systems
Dedicated short-range communications (DSRCs)
Wireless access in vehicular environments (WAVEs)
Geographic information systems for transportations
Intelligent applications for on-board diagnostics
Augmented reality for smart cars.
Sensors and vehicular networks for smart cars
Embedded systems for smart cars
Intelligent vehicle safety systems
Dedicated short-range communications (DSRCs)
Wireless access in vehicular environments (WAVEs)
Geographic information systems for transportations
Intelligent applications for on-board diagnostics
Augmented reality for smart cars.
sábado, 12 de octubre de 2013
The Twenty First Century, the "Age of Tecnology"
Unit seven: Smart Cars, Intelligent Highways
The Twenty First Century, the "Age of Tecnology"
( Essay written by Marina Perdomo)
Since the dawn of humanity, human beings, in their quest to find solutions to the problems posed by their needs, and improve the quality of life, have been designing, producing, and distributing various technology products.Through the ages, each generation has left their scientifc and technological contributions to another generation who takes these advances, and continues to develop others. For example, in the nineteenth century, humans produced great technological advances in communication, transportation, and medicine.These advances include: the telegraph and the steam engine which was applied to the steamboat and railroad. The twentieth century, produced other advances such as: the developement of electronic computing, the radio, radar, and sound recording were key technologies which paved the way for the invention of telephone, fax,and magnetic data storage.In spite of all these technological advances made during these last two centuries, the twenty first century is considered the" Age of Technology" where man has produced the most modern advances in communication, transportation, and medicine.
Nowadays the technological advances made by man, have allowed him to improve communication worldwide. For example, the rate of developement of computers, in this century, have been a reflection of these advances.Nowadays many people in the world can use the Internet, and with only a click to get whatever information that they want. They also can use the social networks such as: Facebook, Tagged, Twitter, and Skype to communate and meet whatever person in the world. Another example of these technological advances, we can find in the invention of new modern mobile phones, such as: Iphones, Galaxies, and Blackbarries, which not only are used to make a call, but also have many applications to help us to supply other needs of our daily routine.
The technological advances not only have helped us to improve the communication in the world, but also have helped us to develop the transportation means.For example, nowadays it easy to move from one place to another in a few hours.We can travel over the world using only a plane or boat.I f you are in Europe, you can travel many counties of Europe by train. Cars are also more technologically modern than before. They have a computer system which shows the driver if there is any problem in the car.If the driver is lost, he can use the Global Positioning System( GPS)which helps him to arrive to whatever place that he wants to go.
The transportation means not only have gotten great developement during this century, but also medicine has gotten a great developement.For example, many diseases which did not have treatment such as: Cancer and HIV, now there is treatment for these diseases,Tkanks to these advances the lives of humans are longer.
In conclusion, in the twenty first century, man has developed many technological advances in communication, transportation, and medicine which have helped him to find a solution to many problems of his routine life.These advances made by man make this century the "Age of Technology."
The Twenty First Century, the "Age of Tecnology"
( Essay written by Marina Perdomo)
Since the dawn of humanity, human beings, in their quest to find solutions to the problems posed by their needs, and improve the quality of life, have been designing, producing, and distributing various technology products.Through the ages, each generation has left their scientifc and technological contributions to another generation who takes these advances, and continues to develop others. For example, in the nineteenth century, humans produced great technological advances in communication, transportation, and medicine.These advances include: the telegraph and the steam engine which was applied to the steamboat and railroad. The twentieth century, produced other advances such as: the developement of electronic computing, the radio, radar, and sound recording were key technologies which paved the way for the invention of telephone, fax,and magnetic data storage.In spite of all these technological advances made during these last two centuries, the twenty first century is considered the" Age of Technology" where man has produced the most modern advances in communication, transportation, and medicine.
Nowadays the technological advances made by man, have allowed him to improve communication worldwide. For example, the rate of developement of computers, in this century, have been a reflection of these advances.Nowadays many people in the world can use the Internet, and with only a click to get whatever information that they want. They also can use the social networks such as: Facebook, Tagged, Twitter, and Skype to communate and meet whatever person in the world. Another example of these technological advances, we can find in the invention of new modern mobile phones, such as: Iphones, Galaxies, and Blackbarries, which not only are used to make a call, but also have many applications to help us to supply other needs of our daily routine.
The technological advances not only have helped us to improve the communication in the world, but also have helped us to develop the transportation means.For example, nowadays it easy to move from one place to another in a few hours.We can travel over the world using only a plane or boat.I f you are in Europe, you can travel many counties of Europe by train. Cars are also more technologically modern than before. They have a computer system which shows the driver if there is any problem in the car.If the driver is lost, he can use the Global Positioning System( GPS)which helps him to arrive to whatever place that he wants to go.
The transportation means not only have gotten great developement during this century, but also medicine has gotten a great developement.For example, many diseases which did not have treatment such as: Cancer and HIV, now there is treatment for these diseases,Tkanks to these advances the lives of humans are longer.
In conclusion, in the twenty first century, man has developed many technological advances in communication, transportation, and medicine which have helped him to find a solution to many problems of his routine life.These advances made by man make this century the "Age of Technology."
Behind the Camara
Unit six: Mastering the Law of Gravity
Behind the Camara
Many people are fans of some movie actors.They love the actions or movements that these actors make in the movie, but most of them do not know how these actors learn or make these movements. For example, many of the actions or movements that the actors make in a movie such as, fight, jump, and fly are controled by a choregrapher who teaches them how to make that movement.
This is the case of Yuen Wo-Pin from China.He is considered the premiere action choregrapher in the world.He has directed more than fifty movies, and he has helped a lot of actors to get international fame by his actions or movements, such as, Jackie Chan, Sammono, Hung, and Li. In addition, in action movies, the actors use a technique called wire work, in which this gives them the illusion that they can fly, but they are only contraled by a machine which allows them to do that.
In conclusion, when you think about your favorite actors, think about the people who are behind the camaras helping them to develop their skills of actions or movements inside a movie.
Behind the Camara
Many people are fans of some movie actors.They love the actions or movements that these actors make in the movie, but most of them do not know how these actors learn or make these movements. For example, many of the actions or movements that the actors make in a movie such as, fight, jump, and fly are controled by a choregrapher who teaches them how to make that movement.
This is the case of Yuen Wo-Pin from China.He is considered the premiere action choregrapher in the world.He has directed more than fifty movies, and he has helped a lot of actors to get international fame by his actions or movements, such as, Jackie Chan, Sammono, Hung, and Li. In addition, in action movies, the actors use a technique called wire work, in which this gives them the illusion that they can fly, but they are only contraled by a machine which allows them to do that.
In conclusion, when you think about your favorite actors, think about the people who are behind the camaras helping them to develop their skills of actions or movements inside a movie.
viernes, 11 de octubre de 2013
I love movies, in fact I can spend hours and hours watching it.
I prefer romantic, drama and also comics , but I don´t enjoy horror movies because I get scared and nervous, I just can´t watch it.
There are many of them that can show you the reality and also the once that are based in a true story. I recommend movies because you can get relax and can acquire a lot of knowlege that you can apply in your life. I´m not agree with th theory that movies push us to do things. On the other hand, you can use it in a positive way. If I were a director , I would like to produce comic and romantic movies.
Movies help us to be close with the people we love , because we can make pop-corn and watch a good movie with all our family and then talk about it.
If you feel bored or stressed try one . that´s it !
I prefer romantic, drama and also comics , but I don´t enjoy horror movies because I get scared and nervous, I just can´t watch it.
There are many of them that can show you the reality and also the once that are based in a true story. I recommend movies because you can get relax and can acquire a lot of knowlege that you can apply in your life. I´m not agree with th theory that movies push us to do things. On the other hand, you can use it in a positive way. If I were a director , I would like to produce comic and romantic movies.
Movies help us to be close with the people we love , because we can make pop-corn and watch a good movie with all our family and then talk about it.
If you feel bored or stressed try one . that´s it !
Nowadays many people are buying cars, for that reason is our big problems with
the traffic jam. People get stress and are becoming crazy.
We have traffic jam every where we go, that is because people that can use a car for two or three members in the family , are using every body one. I think would be better if we try to solve the problem and not just act.
Now cars are more comfortable and more advance, but more dangerous too, so we have to be careful.
miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2013
Ignorance in the Age of Technology
Ignorance in the Age of Technology
The development of technology (in every aspect and meaning
of the word), has increased more in the last fifty years than what it did in
the prior 200, which has provided the world new
tools for learning and intellectual enrichment and yet ignorance is bless
for many.
Google, Yahoo, Big, name the searcher and you’ll find more
than 50 billion facts on any words or subjects you can think of.
Why is it, then, that a 16 years old teenage could be so
ignorant as to search in the internet for things such as: ‘’what’s the biggest
planet in the world?’’ or ‘’are there any humans in Canada?’’. These are, by
the way, true questions.
The more available information and knowledge is, the less
the masses seek for it. The truth is humankind has succumbed to do the
following of a mediocre, political-directed global system, whose control has
gone so far as to convince them that it is technology, not knowledge, the way
to save our broken planet.
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