lunes, 1 de agosto de 2011

This is Estalin nin ´s presentation


DEJA VU is when a person has had the same experience more than one time in his or her life.What I mean is that maybe they have dreamed or imagined that experience before, for example, a friend of mine told me. he had had a Deja vu in which he was at the University taking an English test, and he felt like, he had seen all the questions before. Fortunately he got the highest score in his class.Another example is that my friend Peter and his girlfriend were visiting to one of his friend`s house, Michael, and he asked them if they had seen a deja vu. Their answered him no.He told them look at one couple that was in one corner of the wall, and Michael made them desappear for at least 3 seconds. They were surprised when he did that strange thing.The last one is the Matrix movie in which Lion saw one black cat two times in the same place. He was a little confuse because he had seen it before, and he said oh deja vu no.
The deja vu experience is something so weird , and when you realize it. It become like one thing that you weren`t waiting for it. The deja vu was coined by the Investigator Psysic Emile Boirac in his book L`Avenir des Sciences Psychic which was based in an essay that he wrote while he was studying at Chicago`s University.

Nowadays deja vu seems to be familiar by a feeling of familiarity , and also by a sensation of strangeness or rareness. The deja vu experience is attributed by a dream, for example, My friend Lady couldn`t find anything that quite described what she`s always though of as deja vu, so she figured she may as well ask me what I think .it is seeing as I seem interested.
This was triggered by her picking off nail polish from her fingernails. She had a prefessional manicure a few days ago for her first time ever. Where she was sitting there picking off the nail polish, and thinking slightly cynically that the only difference betwee cheap nail polish and expensive nail polish was that expensive stuff came off in nice big chunks instead of annoying little chips. The very moment this though began to arrive in her head, she got the strong sense that she had sat at this very same desk in the very position picking off nail polish, and thinking the very same thing before. She really hasn`t, because this is the first time she`s even had expensive nail polish on and the first she can remember even considering the difference between cheap and expensive nail polishes.
I can say that in some cases the deja vu has a strong sensation in human being , for example , you see one thing today and after one month. You see the same thing in the same place, also the deja vu is very common because most of the population say to have deja vu at least once.

The explanation of deja vu is not an act of prophecy, but rather that is an abnormaly of memory, giving the false impression that an experience is being recalled. This explanation is substantiaded by the fact that the sense of recollection at the time is strong in most cases , but that the circumstances of the previous experience (when,where, and how the earlier experience occurred) are quite uncertain or known to be impossible. Likewise, as times passes, subjects can exhibit a strong recollection of having the unsettling experience of deja vu itself, but little or not recollection of the specifics of the event or circumstance they were remembering when they had the deja vu experience.


No se puede mostrar la imagen “” porque contiene errores.

One hypothesi claims that one eye can record what is seen faster than the other, creating the strong recollection sensation upon the same scene being viewed later by the opposite eye. However, this hypothesi fails to explain the deja vu when other sensory inputs are involved , such as hearing ot touch. If one, for instance, experience deja vu of someone slapping the fingers on his left hand, then then deja vu feeling is certainly not due to his right hand experiencing the same sensation later than his left hand considering that his right would never receive the same semsory input. Also, people with only one eye still report experiencing of deja vu.

Deja Vecu: It is whe a person is conscious that everything comforms with your memory. This is why explanation which suggest that the person has read about something similar in the past, but it cannot be valid . Morever, this is why explanation based on reincarnation and past lives can also be ruled out. A deja vecu experience can eassily involve clothing or even Pc, but styles of clothing change practically every year, and it is rather unlikely that someone had a Pc on his or her desk in a previous life.

Deja Senti:This state, which sometimes appear in the aura of temporal lobe Epilepsy attacks.

Deja Visite: It seems to occur more rarely and is an experience in which a person visits a new locality and nevertheless feels it to be familiar. He or she seems to know their way around.

1 comentario:

  1. I believe tha almost every person has had a deja vu because every person has dream in life.
