lunes, 12 de mayo de 2014


Contrary to some people think, baseball was first introduced in the Dominican Republic by Cubans in the late 1880s, and not by soldiers of US Army.

Baseball has taken root here and many Dominicans love it, even though it isn't a Dominican game the country has a high percentage of baseball players. In Mayor league Baseball's 2012 Opening Day,95 of the 856, it is an 11.1%, were born in the Dominican Republic.

Our country has produced four MVP Award winners, two Cy Young, seven Rookie of the Year, six Dominican pitchers have thrown a no-hitter game, and we won one World Baseball Clasic .

1 comentario:

  1. Japanese players have great condicion to play baseball, in same way the cubanian player... but domincan players are going down because they are using drugs to produce force
