lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014

did the chinese discover america

gavin mensies this amateur historian theorized that chinese made a exploration throughout australia 350 years before captain cookand  arrived 71 one years before christopher columbus.

zheng heoversaw the building of a powerful fleet at the shipyards at dragon bay naijing the emperor sent him on seven on seven major expedition of trade and diplomacy.

on zheng´s first expedition, he sailed south to vietnan and the spice islands today is indonesia and australia, arabia, somalia, and so on.

menzies points out that, when columbus and magellan made their voyayes, they had maps showing the position of america. who drew the maps. if it wasnt the chinese,with the biggest fleets and ships in the world, who was it_ acording to menzies, the italian adventurer nicolo da conti,who may have sailed on one of zheng´s voyayes, brought the map to venice in 1428, and from there they were taken to portugal.

well I must admit that christoper columbus discovered america, but what i think is that chinese and other people could have found that earth long time before christofer columbus arrived to america and discovered, and there are characteristics of indians somewhat similar to chinesse. what a strange! well, i agree there was a mixture of races in order to get what we call today indian.

rigoberto alcantara

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