sábado, 30 de julio de 2011

The Name Game

These are some new words that I learned from unit 3 with their meanings (The Name Game).

1. Catchy = esay to remember
2. Went bankrupt = went out of business
3. Fusing = joining
4. Unambiguous = closest in meaning to clear
5. Brick = Rapid


A. I can't think of a catchy name for my facebook.
B. The company where i worked in 3 years ago went bankrupt.
C. The islands of Central American will be fusing by bridges in 2030.
D. The students of the summer class gave a clear, unambiguous answer to all the questions that our teacher asked.
E. She carefully guided the boat through the brick water.

2 comentarios:

  1. 1. Catchy = easy to remember

    Post corrected..
    I am sorry I wrote esay instead of easy.

  2. Very good Jhonatan for teaching us those words.
    I have learned so much with this meaning that you gave us thank you Jhonatan.
