my favorite movie is rooky balboa2, is a boxer that won the heavy wight championchip title.
he is became very famous and won a lot money, but later somebody defeat him, after that he lost the fame that he had.
after a couple of months he returns to the ring and fight again when the person that he has lost.
is a an amazing and enteresting movie that everybody can see
lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2013
domingo, 29 de septiembre de 2013
Smart cars.
When we talk about smart cars we refer in most cases to those who use computers, everybody that works with modern tech.
Many people belief that in the future cars will fly, but i do not think so; we could agree that there will needed as alternative fuel energy sources and through the computer, we know when you need to visit a garage. But from here to flying no way.
There are people who believe that cars fly apart, be handled alone, avoid accidentes, among others things that are supposed to be someone intelligent, meaning, that your computer will gather all the intelligence
that can be superior to that of man.
Could this be that such a man will have the intelligence to do, so. I think that we will not be here to see it.
Mastering the law of gravity
Martial Arts
China is one of the main birth places of Eastern martial arts and its people are very proud of this heritage. Traditionally the names of martial arts were calledwushu, where as the modern termkungfu refers to any discipline that requires extreme concentration. One of the most famous traditions of Chinese martial arts is Shaolin which was founded by Buddhist monks in the Wudang Mountains some 1500 years ago. As with most martial arts, the initial purpose of the forms were for survival and warfare. Over time art forms have branched off, while others have retained a distinct Chinese flavor. Regardless, China has produced some of the most renowned martial artists in the world including Wong Fei Hung and many others.
Google images.
Taken from internet.
viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013
I´m a person that love watching movies. Going to the movie theater or at home with a glass of wine with my boyfriend.
In my case, I don´t enjoy horror movies , I prefer romantics , drama and also comics.
Nowadays and thanks the technology we see different kind of movies with amazing special effects that let us wonder how they did that.
There are beautiful movies that we never forget such as
Titanic, The day after tomorrow, armageddon and others.
In my case, I don´t enjoy horror movies , I prefer romantics , drama and also comics.
Nowadays and thanks the technology we see different kind of movies with amazing special effects that let us wonder how they did that.
There are beautiful movies that we never forget such as
Titanic, The day after tomorrow, armageddon and others.
martes, 24 de septiembre de 2013
my dream¨s bussiness
i want to have a boutique, whit the name good fashions never dies.many years ofter they wwent away, the 1990s came back into fashion. after more than twenty years, young people started to wear the clothes tha their parents, aunts, and uncles loved at their age. in the united states second´hand stores, called resale shops or thrift shops, sell the popular items of tha era.
at these shops, men can buy bell bottom jeans, polyester suits, wide neckties and plaid pants. in addition to bell bottom jeans, women can find mini dresses, vinyl miniskirts, and go go boots with high platform soles. this look became so popular againt that my boutique designed new clothes copying the style of this era.
at these shops, men can buy bell bottom jeans, polyester suits, wide neckties and plaid pants. in addition to bell bottom jeans, women can find mini dresses, vinyl miniskirts, and go go boots with high platform soles. this look became so popular againt that my boutique designed new clothes copying the style of this era.
domingo, 22 de septiembre de 2013
What you need when you need a name
Step 1: List of Names
Start brainstorming, and try to end up with at least 30 name options. Enjoy the creative process, and let yourself think beyond the basic descriptive keyword name.
Step 2: Outside Opinion
To try and understand how your future customers will see and hear your company name, record your friends' first impressions. Also have them try to spell each name, and see which ones they remember ten minutes later.
Step 3: Name for Company
Remember, it's your company, and you are the final decision maker.
Sept. 8th. and Sept. 9th., classes.
The week before last, we met the new teacher, because the professor Atilano, had to make a trip, as he had announced. Teacher Rober is apparently nice and good person, and he expressed great willingness to cooperate with us for as long as necessary. He also told us that we'll include writings about assigned topics to our weekly classes, we'll correct them in different ways, this will help us to improve our skills, especially the written one.

The topic worked this week was: "Mastering the Law of Gravity", which it is about of a Chinese choreographer, Yuen Wo-Ping, who has worked in many films, of which I dare to say we've seen at least one of them. The text give us important information about his life, his career and the films he has worked, he is a revered action choreographer.
It's amazing to know certain details and realize that acting is not only computer tricks and scripts often extracted from books. With this writing I learned that there is much more effort, commitment and dedication behind every scene that we can imagine.
domingo, 15 de septiembre de 2013
The name game
Every human life has or had illusions, those who dedicate our time to improve ourselves we do hope to build our own future, either as a company or a college as my intention.
Some might wonder why a school, the reason is that i love chidren so i want to learn to give them that bread of education we all need to achieve all the goals we have set.
Vocabulary lesson two.
When my brother sees blood he blacked out.
All the night when i arrive at home found my desk makes a cluttered up.
Hipocrates left a traced when quoting: a great evil, great remedies.
To avoid mistakes we most beware to think before speaking.
When you feel weary of life wonder: you¨ve done wrong.
Never deny what you feel.
An alleged murderer is sought by sky, sea, and land.
Urband leyend.
When we talk about Urban leyend are talking about folklore, but often sounds like a superstition, are stories told by those who experienced some other story but overly narrate these stories relate to the past and sometimes most stories chilling as they are: the bridge of the cries, the house of mirrors, among others.
My Dream Company
Unit five: The Name Game
My Dream Company
" Generation Ready for the Future" is the name of my dream company that I would like to create one day in Dominican Republic.This will be a bilingual school for little children where they can start their studies,and at the same time, they will learn and develop the skills of speaking and wrinting Spanish and English. In addition to this, the little kids will recieve their subjects in both languages such as, math, science, history, sports, and art.On the other hand, this school will have professional teachers from over the world specialized in their subjects. This school will be a little expensive, but there will be scolarchip for kids whose parents can not pay the tuition.This is my dream, and I hope to come true one day.
My Dream Company
" Generation Ready for the Future" is the name of my dream company that I would like to create one day in Dominican Republic.This will be a bilingual school for little children where they can start their studies,and at the same time, they will learn and develop the skills of speaking and wrinting Spanish and English. In addition to this, the little kids will recieve their subjects in both languages such as, math, science, history, sports, and art.On the other hand, this school will have professional teachers from over the world specialized in their subjects. This school will be a little expensive, but there will be scolarchip for kids whose parents can not pay the tuition.This is my dream, and I hope to come true one day.
martes, 10 de septiembre de 2013
my bussines dream is to have a modeling school, i was model for a long time and when i got marry i had to left this carreer, now i am working to have my own school, i'm pushing on it , working hard, sometime you hear a voice inside the head saying that you never reach it, but we need to keep the faith...
lunes, 9 de septiembre de 2013
Noah’s Ark
Noah’s Ark
One million:
The number of the homeless dogs in the Dominican Republic.
The organizations welling to help them.
Noah’s Ark is the name of my dream ‘company’, though it would be a non-profit organization, I don’t see myself owning any sort of money-making, time-consuming, people’s blood sucking industrial machine.
One million:
The number of the homeless dogs in the Dominican Republic.
The organizations welling to help them.
Noah’s Ark is the name of my dream ‘company’, though it would be a non-profit organization, I don’t see myself owning any sort of money-making, time-consuming, people’s blood sucking industrial machine.
You see, I was born with these things called eyes and a conscience, and they decided to intertwined and conspired to wake me up by age thirteen.
Wake me up to the injustice and pain these creatures have to endure every single day a person decides to reject them, to throw them out of what they once knew was home, every time they get too old or too sick.
My company would not only focus on taking them out of the streets but also making out of them special tools. In developed countries these animals are actually use to rehabilitate troubled teenagers, criminals and as therapeutic friends for orphans and elder citizens. This project will also involve educational programs imparted in public and private schools, on how to treat animals, take care of them and how to react when they get sick; in addition, the ones who get to be picked up for something besides adoption by regular citizens, will be castrated in order to avoid massive reproduction that could end in a vicious circle of more homeless animals.
This is my dream company, one that, unfortunately, more than once I’ve tried to build just to see myself being stopped by various circumstances like money and the unsurprising lack of support of our local authorities.
Hello guys:
I hope you´re all doing fine. I just got to Buenos Aires the way it was planned, I had rather smooth flights from Santo Domingo to Panama city and from there to Buenos Aires, that was about 9 or ten hours flying. Even though I have traveled a lot, I always get nervous when I have to do it. I have to admit this time around was quite different because I felt in control all the time, the level of turbulence was 0 with no hard shakes and this sort of thing from the aircraft. I arrived at 1 o´clock in the morning and a driver from the school we are enrolled in took us to a little hotel 40 minutes from the airport.
Yesterday I spent most of the day resting and organizing things, with time only to take short walks around the place I'm staying in. My classes start today at 10:00 in the morning. I'll be sort of busy because my schedule is from 10:00 to 6:00 in the afternoon, but I´ll try to keep in touch with you as much as possible.
Robert Matos will be with you tonight, treat him right and show respect, this last comment I know is needless, but here and there we have all kinds of people. Robert is a nice young man, a wonderful teacher and I think I couldn´t have found a better one for this "mission".
Let's see if I can make some corrections of your posts and send them to your personal mails.
I wish you a wonderful and fullfilling day, hugs, Atilano.
I hope you´re all doing fine. I just got to Buenos Aires the way it was planned, I had rather smooth flights from Santo Domingo to Panama city and from there to Buenos Aires, that was about 9 or ten hours flying. Even though I have traveled a lot, I always get nervous when I have to do it. I have to admit this time around was quite different because I felt in control all the time, the level of turbulence was 0 with no hard shakes and this sort of thing from the aircraft. I arrived at 1 o´clock in the morning and a driver from the school we are enrolled in took us to a little hotel 40 minutes from the airport.
Yesterday I spent most of the day resting and organizing things, with time only to take short walks around the place I'm staying in. My classes start today at 10:00 in the morning. I'll be sort of busy because my schedule is from 10:00 to 6:00 in the afternoon, but I´ll try to keep in touch with you as much as possible.
Robert Matos will be with you tonight, treat him right and show respect, this last comment I know is needless, but here and there we have all kinds of people. Robert is a nice young man, a wonderful teacher and I think I couldn´t have found a better one for this "mission".
Let's see if I can make some corrections of your posts and send them to your personal mails.
I wish you a wonderful and fullfilling day, hugs, Atilano.
The Vanishing Hitchhiker
A friend who heard from
another friend , about a WHITE LADY who vanish on the highway
that connect San Juan de la Magana with Juan de Herrera . This story has
been told since fifteen years ago and according to the community is real.
Is about a girl who is
wearing a white dress, walking down through the road during midnight asking for
a ray, and when people stop, in order to offer her help she disappear in front
of his eyes, so when the people return to their cars and see through the back mirror
see the white lady standing in the middle of the path and they scare heck out
of her.
There are many versions
of the story, so that many people have tried to prove whether the story is real
or not even tough there are a lot of
people who support this story and according to them is still happen , by the
way I don’t think this kind of events could be real .
domingo, 8 de septiembre de 2013
I don´t
ever Heard about history or urban legends, but over one year ago I Heard something from
my countryside. many people told about a man who killed animal and person for eat them
According to people said, one day a farmer went to visit his little farm and see a
horse that was eating in it. When he arrived he only found parts of the animal
in the place, it was very strange for him, suddenly a man appear hitting him with the machete, the farmer put his hand
and although he cut it the farmer could escaped and look for people , but when
they come back found nothing.
In other
day, persons were looking for someone that got lost in the
town. then was found parts of his body in the forest, all the people were afraid, the younger don´t wanted get out, the women don´t wanted to buying in the
market and the farmer don´t wanted go to
work for avoid meet with that man who was called PETETE. The polices had looked for ,
but they don´t found him because he can become a wood. People said
that he was caught when his mother dies, I do not know why.
sábado, 7 de septiembre de 2013
legend about cats.
I love cats ,and my grandmother didnt like it , when i was a kid she told me a history. but to be honest i dont know if was true or is just a history that she told me to makes me feel afraid .
she told me that when she was younger in her country there was a man that love cats like me , and the man had a beautiful cat , living with him in his house , every day he ate the meal with his cat , he put two dishes on the table and, he ate the meal with his cat ..
but one day the man had visitor and at the meal that day didnt put the dish in the table for the cat , he put the meal´s cat on the floor, but the cat did not eat the meal....because he had the custom to eat the meal with his owner
at night when the man was sleeping ,the cat jumped to the bed and with his nails killed the man , the cat behead the man ....
my grandmother told me that cats are rancorous....and after that i am more careful with this animal.
Vocabulary lesson 1
+ Borrowed- my sister borrowed me a book.
Rigid -my cousin Dany Salazar pitche the Cliveland pike rigid in their last outing.
Sponsored- Pan American games were sponsored by Wisky Mack Albert.
Spreads- when the game is tied for ninth inning spreads until one of the teams making career.
Ranking -here there are a ranking specialist in medicin.
Good will- blessed are de man of good will.
Intertwained- our first lesson is intertwained with the second lesson.
Lure- our mission is to lure young people to approach the sport and way from vices.
In spite of - my mother cooks in spite of to take arthristis.
jueves, 5 de septiembre de 2013
How baseball come to D.R?
This sport was introduced in the Caribbean in 1866 by Cubans students in EE.UU. Then 8 years later, in 1874, the game was first pleyed by Cubans teams.
Later was introduced in R.D. by Cubans sugars planters in 1880. The sugar planters started to providing sport´s material to the workers, who some of them were connected whi the cricket. Primarily the sport was used as a entertament for the moral. Then the Cubans (Santiago de Cuba) and Dominicans (Angelina) teams held a game in 1886. The first professional tournament was played in 1890 by Ozama and Nuevo Club teams. Then it was founding a few new clubs in the 20th century.
This sport was introduced in the Caribbean in 1866 by Cubans students in EE.UU. Then 8 years later, in 1874, the game was first pleyed by Cubans teams.
Later was introduced in R.D. by Cubans sugars planters in 1880. The sugar planters started to providing sport´s material to the workers, who some of them were connected whi the cricket. Primarily the sport was used as a entertament for the moral. Then the Cubans (Santiago de Cuba) and Dominicans (Angelina) teams held a game in 1886. The first professional tournament was played in 1890 by Ozama and Nuevo Club teams. Then it was founding a few new clubs in the 20th century.
I have heard that the witches have existed all time in the dominican republic, for example in my neighborhood everybody say that there is a witch for there. is a old woman that has almost 100 years of life. the children scared when they seing. i think that is possible becouse i have seen children that have benn gaunt during the night.
miércoles, 4 de septiembre de 2013
I remember that my father told to my brothers and me about
a man in a horse that his legs grew up and touch the grass.
there is a dominican movie too about it .
Have you heard about it.
a man in a horse that his legs grew up and touch the grass.
there is a dominican movie too about it .
Have you heard about it.
martes, 3 de septiembre de 2013
Baseball is considered one of the most popular sports in most of the world, is a sport played together two teams of nine players each played on a grass covered field except the mound, the lines of the brokers, and home. The aim of the batter is to hit the ball and catch the opponent is, the team with the most career wins entered the ninth end, if this is to be tied extra inning until one of the two make a career.Is all what about i know the game.
the legend about the a couple in the hotel
A couple checks into a hotel and have to put up with a foul odor in their room all night. They call the staff to complain and somebody figures out the stench is coming from the bed.
Now, there's no way that scenario is going to have a good ending. You're almost hoping at that point that it'll turn out the last guest just got drunk and pooped behind the headboard. But, no, the staff take off the matress and discover the couple has been sleeping over the rotting body of a dead girl who had been stuffed in the box spring.this actually happened, in Las Vegas. Also, Kansas City, MO and Atlantic City, NJ and several times in Florida and California and, well, let's just say that in or under the bed in a hotel room seems to be a fairly popular destination for the recently deceased.
It makes sense if you think about it. The closet and under the bed are the two most popular places to hide just about anything, so it's not surprising a hell of a lot of corpses end up there as well. In fact, the odds are pretty good that at least once a guy has killed a prostitute, tried to stuff her under the bed, only to find there was already a body there.The strangest part isn't that the bodies wind up in such a terrible hiding place (killers often aren't the type to plan ahead). No, the strange thing is that in almost every story people will sleep part of, or in many cases, the entire night, on top of the corpse before reporting it.
Most people we know will complain if they detect that someone might have smoked a cigarette in their room four months ago. Not these people, they slept inches above an oozing heap of rotting human flesh rather than inconvenience the hotel management by asking for a new room.
Or, at least we hope sleeping is all they did on that bed. Oh, man, can you imagine dying and then the first thing that happens is some middle age couple starts porking over you? Ew.
Hopefully they at least got a free continental breakfast out of the ordeal.
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