domingo, 22 de septiembre de 2013

Sept. 8th. and Sept. 9th., classes.

The week before last, we met the new teacher, because the professor Atilano, had to make a trip, as he had announced. Teacher Rober is apparently nice and good person, and he expressed great willingness to cooperate with us for as long as necessary. He also told us that we'll include writings about assigned topics to our weekly classes, we'll correct them in different ways, this will help us to improve our skills, especially the written one.
The topic worked this week was: "Mastering the Law of Gravity", which it is about of a Chinese choreographer, Yuen Wo-Ping, who has worked in many films, of which I dare to say we've seen at least one of them. The  text give us important information about his life, his career and the films he has worked, he is a revered action choreographer.

It's amazing to know certain details and realize that acting is not only computer tricks and scripts often extracted from books. With this writing I learned that there is much more effort, commitment and dedication behind every scene that we can imagine.

1 comentario:

  1. I don't like this kind of movies because i just like the movies that express actions seeming to the real life that's why i hated the people that flies defying the law of the gravity...
