viernes, 22 de junio de 2012

Superstition from around the world.

Taiwan: if you see a crow in the morning you will have a bad day.
Japan: it´s lucky to find a tea leaf floating upright in a cup of green tea.
Thailand: dream of a snake holding you tighlly, and you will soon meet your soul mate.
Brazil: if you leave your purse on the floor, your money will desappear.
Venezuela: if someone sweeps over an unmarried woman´s feet with a broom, she´ll never get married.
South korea: if you give a boyfriend or a girlfriend a pair of shoes, he or she will live you.
Argentina: pick up any coins you find and you´ll soon come into money.
Peru: if you put clothes on inside out, you will get a nice surprise.
Mexico: if a bride wears pearls, she will cry all her married life.
Turkey: your wish will come true if you stand between two people with the same name.

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