lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2011
I want a high-end car.
She is always chatting.
He perished last night.
Teachers task is to teach.
I sipped the juice quick.
He opened the door vigorously.
My father want to be a tycoon man.
I have a precious ring.
Cars used to be unique for rich people.
MY favorite pastime is to play basketball.
Yo-yo is a plaything for children love to go to the playground.
He is the eldest from my family.
Jose died during the combat.
Ithink snakes are spooky.
Balloms can hover in the air.
People conceal their faces on carnaval.
I want to make a grown breaking in my carrea.
Cranes are use to hoist heavy items.
Many people leave their land just for an illusion.
In my leisure time, I like to play baseball.
Rosa is a playful child.
Alexander gran bell coined the phone.
My closet is always mix-ups.
Jose sued his boss.
The pre fix un with the word happy mean not happy.
I blacked out this mornig, because didn't eat breakfast.
We have traced the teacher the whole year.
My friend suffer a gruesome accident last night.
That ring was handed down from my grandmother to my mother.
My mirror was intact after the ball hit it.
When you visit another country you should beware of thieves.
She denials the true in front of me.
If you don't study, be ready for the consequences.
If you don't want to lose your money, don't visit casinos.
viernes, 2 de septiembre de 2011
jueves, 1 de septiembre de 2011
Recently , many scientits have to think people can also be addicted
to many things like: gambling , candy , shopping , vide game , sex ,
computer use and specially internet.
Nowadays some people become addicted to internet and
can also prefer meeting people by internet .
And sometimes go to bed on midnight.
miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2011
Internet addiction
Internet Addiction covers a variety of impulse-control problems, including:
- Cybersex Addiction compulsive use of Internet pornography, adult chat rooms, or adult fantasy role-play sites impacting negatively on real-life intimate relationships.
- Cyber-Relationship Addiction, addiction to social networking, chat rooms and messaging to the point where virtual, online friends become more important than real-life relationships with family and friends.
- Net Compulsions, such as compulsive online gaming, gambling, stock trading, or compulsive use of online auction sites such as eBay, often resulting in financial and job-related problems.
- Information Overload, compulsive web surfing or database searching, leading to lower work productivity and less social interaction with family and friends.
- Computer Addiction, obsessive playing of off-line computer games, such as Solitaire or Minesweeper, or obsessive computer programming.
The most common of these Internet addictions are cybersex, online gambling, and cyber-relationship addiction.
Take from:
martes, 16 de agosto de 2011
sábado, 13 de agosto de 2011
miércoles, 10 de agosto de 2011
martes, 9 de agosto de 2011
Interview to Bekah
Interviwe to Christine
lunes, 8 de agosto de 2011
Words that Atilano Pimentel Taught in the English class
Martial arts
sábado, 6 de agosto de 2011
my experience with the yo yo toy
viernes, 5 de agosto de 2011
Woody Allen: Monólogo "The Moose" (El Alce) sub.español 1965
Born | Allen Stewart Konigsberg December 1, 1935 (age 75) Brooklyn, New York, U.S. |
Occupation | Actor Director Screenwriter Comedian Musician Playwright |
Years active | 1950–present |
Spouse | Harlene Rosen (1954–1959) Louise Lasser (1966–1969) Soon-Yi Previn (1997–present) |
Relatives | Letty Aronson (sister) |
Website |
Pranticing my English
I try of practice my english, I listen music in english, english movies, magazines in english, and I try to talk with people who know the english language. Personally I want to learn english is very good when you speak with american people, and they understand.
I hope to travel to the United States of America, and I want to talk english in EEUU. Many Dominicans work in countries of United states but they not speak, is very difficult for them.
jueves, 4 de agosto de 2011
miércoles, 3 de agosto de 2011
Yuen Woo Ping - Old School Tribute
martes, 2 de agosto de 2011
claribel's presentation
The world's first true pizzeria is thought to be "Antica Pizzeria Port'Alba" which opened in 1830 in Naples, Italy and is still in business today.
In 1889, a Neapolitan named Rafaele Esposito prepared pizza for King Umberto I and Queen Margherita. With colors of green (basil), white (mozzarella), and red (tomatoes), the pizza was prepared to resemble the Italian flag.
In 1895, an Italian immigrant named Gennaro Lombardi opened the first U.S. pizzeria in New York City.
lunes, 1 de agosto de 2011
This is Estalin nin ´s presentation
DEJA VU is when a person has had the same experience more than one time in his or her life.What I mean is that maybe they have dreamed or imagined that experience before, for example, a friend of mine told me. he had had a Deja vu in which he was at the University taking an English test, and he felt like, he had seen all the questions before. Fortunately he got the highest score in his class.Another example is that my friend Peter and his girlfriend were visiting to one of his friend`s house, Michael, and he asked them if they had seen a deja vu. Their answered him no.He told them look at one couple that was in one corner of the wall, and Michael made them desappear for at least 3 seconds. They were surprised when he did that strange thing.The last one is the Matrix movie in which Lion saw one black cat two times in the same place. He was a little confuse because he had seen it before, and he said oh deja vu no.
The deja vu experience is something so weird , and when you realize it. It become like one thing that you weren`t waiting for it. The deja vu was coined by the Investigator Psysic Emile Boirac in his book L`Avenir des Sciences Psychic which was based in an essay that he wrote while he was studying at Chicago`s University.
This was triggered by her picking off nail polish from her fingernails. She had a prefessional manicure a few days ago for her first time ever. Where she was sitting there picking off the nail polish, and thinking slightly cynically that the only difference betwee cheap nail polish and expensive nail polish was that expensive stuff came off in nice big chunks instead of annoying little chips. The very moment this though began to arrive in her head, she got the strong sense that she had sat at this very same desk in the very position picking off nail polish, and thinking the very same thing before. She really hasn`t, because this is the first time she`s even had expensive nail polish on and the first she can remember even considering the difference between cheap and expensive nail polishes.
I can say that in some cases the deja vu has a strong sensation in human being , for example , you see one thing today and after one month. You see the same thing in the same place, also the deja vu is very common because most of the population say to have deja vu at least once.
One hypothesi claims that one eye can record what is seen faster than the other, creating the strong recollection sensation upon the same scene being viewed later by the opposite eye. However, this hypothesi fails to explain the deja vu when other sensory inputs are involved , such as hearing ot touch. If one, for instance, experience deja vu of someone slapping the fingers on his left hand, then then deja vu feeling is certainly not due to his right hand experiencing the same sensation later than his left hand considering that his right would never receive the same semsory input. Also, people with only one eye still report experiencing of deja vu.
Deja Senti:This state, which sometimes appear in the aura of temporal lobe Epilepsy attacks.
Deja Visite: It seems to occur more rarely and is an experience in which a person visits a new locality and nevertheless feels it to be familiar. He or she seems to know their way around.
domingo, 31 de julio de 2011

A phobia is defined as the unrelenting fear of a situation, activity, or thing that causes one to want to avoid it. Millions of people around the world suffer this, and the solution they apply is, as I said before, to avoid the object of fearing. But what happen when you cannot avoid it and it affects your life? Simple: That’s the moment to look for a specialist and confront your fear.
Having a phobia about something is very different from everyday worry or stress. Depending on the person and his/her circumstances, you will find an endless list of phobias (I will list some of them, but if you’d like to see a complete list of phobias, feel free to visit the following webpage: The most commons are:
Social Phobia: Also known as social anxiety disorder, it is an excessive fear of embarrassment in social situations that is extremely intrusive and can have debilitating effects on personal and professional relationships. Examples include fears of public speaking, meeting new people, and other social situations.
Agoraphobia: It is a fear of being outside or otherwise being in a situation from which one either cannot escape or from which escaping would be difficult or humiliating. Although agoraphobia, like other mental disorders, is caused by a number of factors, it also tends to run in families and for some people, may have a clear genetic factor contributing to its development.
Claustrophobia: It is an abnormal and persistent fear of closed spaces, of being closed in or being shut in, as in elevators, tunnels, or any other confined space. The fear is excessive and quite common.
Zoophobia: It is a term that encompasses fears of specific types of animals such as spiders (arachnophobia), snakes (ophidiophobia), birds (ornithophobia), bees (apiphobia), etc. It is a zooful of beastly phobias.
Acrophobia: It is an abnormally excessive and persistent fear of heights. Sufferers experience severe anxiety even though they usually realize t hat, as a rule, heights pose no real threat to them.
Aerophobia: An abnormal and persistent fear of flying is called aerophobia. This phobia generally develops after a person witnesses a plane crash or loses a family member in a plane crash or accident. Sufferers experience severe anxiety even though they usually realize that flying does not pose a threat commensurate with their fear.
Blood-Injection-Injury Phobias: It consist of several specific phobias including fear of blood (hemophobia), injury phobia, and fear of receiving an injection (trypanophobia or aichmophobia) or other invasive medical procedures.
Now I’m wondering… what causes such fear? While there is no one specific known cause for phobias, it is thought that phobias run in families, are influenced by culture, and can be triggered by life events. Immediate family members of people with phobias are about three times more likely to also suffer from a phobia than those who do not have such a family history. Phobia sufferers have been found to be more likely to manage stress by avoiding the stressful situation and by having difficulty minimizing the intensity of the fearful situation.
How do you know you have a phobia? If you present some of the following symptoms: panic attack, shaking, sweating, rapid heartbeat, trouble breathing, an d an overwhelming desire to escape the situation that is causing the phobic reaction. Also, extreme measures are sometimes taken to escape the situation.
To help those who suffer from phobias, there are different ways how phobia is treated. You can expose the person to circumstances that are increasingly close to the one they are phobic about (desensitization). A second method is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which has been found to significantly decrease phobic symptoms by helping the phobia sufferer change his or her way of thinking.
After all this, I just want to add that millions of people around the world suffer from phobias, some of them can handle it, avoid them, or have to look for help, but in conclusion I think everybody is afraid of something in different degrees. Dominican people’s phobia is to find out the new gasoline prices on Friday night. For me, I cannot share the same room with a frog. So, at the end I just want to ask: What’s your biggest fear?
Happy father's day Atilano
Happy Father's Day

Good is the enemy of great! Why is Good to Great so Great? Well, Good to Great answers the search for enduring excellence. It is not just a business problem; it's a human problem. The principles within this book can be applied to other organizations, not just business enterprises. Good schools can learn to become great schools. Good government agencies can learn to be great government agencies.
So, just what does make a company great? Collins identifies 6 key attributes:
1. A Great Company Has Level 5 Leadership
Level 5 leaders have goals of building a great company in the next generation, comfortable with the idea that most people won't even know that the roots of that success trace back to their efforts. As one Level 5 leader said, "I want to look out from my porch at one of the great companies in the world someday and be able to say, 'I used to work there.' "
In contrast, the comparison leaders are concerned more with their own reputation for personal greatness, often failed to set the company up for success in the next generation. After all, what better testament to your own personal greatness than that the place falls apart after you leave?
2. First Who, Then What
The main point of this chapter is to get the right people on the bus and the wrong people off the bus before you figure out where to drive it. Letting the wrong people hang around is unfair to the right people. The right people will do the right things and deliver the best results regardless of the incentive system. The second key point is the degree of sheer rigor needed with regard to people decisions in order to take the company from good to great. Good-to-great companies know people aren't your most important asset, the right people are.
Good-to-great companies placed greater weight on character than education, skills, or experience when hiring. The reason: you can teach skills, but character, basic intelligence, work ethic, and dedication to fulfilling commitments are values that are ingrained in a person.
Good-to-great companies were rigorous, but not ruthless. People who did not fit the mold eventually quit or were told to find opportunities elsewhere. The most rigorous discipline was found at the top, where the largest burden of responsibility lies.
Other attributes of great companies include:
3. Confront the Brutal Facts (Yet Never Lose Faith)
4. The Hedgehog Concept (Simplicity Within the Three Circles)
5. A Culture of Discipline
6. The Flywheel and the Doom Loop
Article Source:
Mastering The Law of Gravity

sábado, 30 de julio de 2011
Starting a Business : How to Pick a Business Name
These are some important tips that you need to keep in mind when you are naming a business.
According to the presenter of this video Mr Christopher you should:
1- use a short name to make it easier to remember.
2- be careful when selecting a name because it really reflects the personality of the company.
3- be a good name because sometimes people hung up on it.
4- etc.
The Name Game
1- A name is the first point of contact that a company has with the world, and it can be an effective marketing tool.
2- When a company is sold, there is often a fee for transferring the company name to the new owners.
3- Some names are totally invented. One advantage for a corporation in making up a name is that this name is then the unambiguous property of the company.
4- To trademark a name is to register it with a government patent office so that it cannot be used by an other company.
The Name Game
1. Catchy = esay to remember
2. Went bankrupt = went out of business
3. Fusing = joining
4. Unambiguous = closest in meaning to clear
5. Brick = Rapid
A. I can't think of a catchy name for my facebook.
B. The company where i worked in 3 years ago went bankrupt.
C. The islands of Central American will be fusing by bridges in 2030.
D. The students of the summer class gave a clear, unambiguous answer to all the questions that our teacher asked.
E. She carefully guided the boat through the brick water.
In my opinion baseball is a wonderful entertainment that we can watch on our tv with our family and friends. It is great when we can see many players practicing that kind of sport.

The modern story of the yo-yo starts with a young gentleman from the Philippines, named Pedro Flores. In the 1920s, he moved to the USA, and worked as a bellhop at a Santa Monica hotel. Carving and playing with wooden yo-yos was a traditional pastime in the Philippines, but Pedro found that his lunch break yo-yo playing drew a crowd was the first appearance of the name "yo-yo," which means "come-come" in the at the hotel. He started a company to make the toys, calling it the Flores Yo-Yo Company.

Did The Chinese Discover America?
I believe I have located and identified Pre-Columbian Land Art in North America which bears evidence of an ancient Chinese Dynasty. This is significant because if proven true it places a highly advanced civilization in North America well before the arrival of Europeans. This may well be the early civilization that built the cities and created the mines that the Spanish explorers introduced to the western world as El Dorado. In addition to the art I think I have located some of the mines as well.
Dialisis are done by a dialyzer according to the dicionary a dialyzer is an apparatus substituted for the kidneys to filter waste products from the blood artificialy.
There are many causes why kidneys stop working.For example:diabetes,blood pressure,renal calculus,or any disease of the kidneys. Also, by the use f medicines.
Around 1500 people are dialized in this country.There are several hospitals where dialisis are done.For example:Semma,Ginecologia obtetricia,Padre billini,Plaza de la salud.
This is a procedure the changed people life.These patients have to be in the hospital three time a week sit on a chair for four hours,cleanihg their blood.
As, I have seen in the hopital this disease doesn't has age to attack a person.For example:her name is yimelca Hernandez and she is 20 years old.she has four years in dialisi.
His name is Roberto Duran he is 53 years old, and he has 9 years in dialisis.
This is my mother.Her name is Maria Antonia,She has five years in dialisis.She feels the her life finish rights alway. she is a teacher.By her disease she has stop teaching.Dialisis' patients are like bomb some in any minute they can died.Some patients last one month other one or two years.My mother and other have been lucky, they have several years.
These is so hard for the whole family because these patients have to stop doing many things that they like to do. For intanse,they can't drink too much water or liquid.They can't eat too much.They get tired so easy.They almost naver have a lot blood.
Not everywhere dialysis are done.For example,my mother live in cotui,and she has to go to santo domingo three time a week.It is expensive and far from cotui.
As patints talk to me it is hard.But they feel a little bit better because nurses and doctors are they are a family.
While they are conected to the machine,there they can eat,sleep,and drink sothing.Also,while they are conected, they talk about their family and problem.
when I go with my mother to the dialysis room. I alway have to do things for them for example they ask me to buy food for them.They love me, we are friends.
As the doctor says in order to preven this diseace.We should control diabetes,blood pressure,try not to drink too many peels.Besides,people should drink enough water.Also people should visit the doctor frenquenly to check their body.
IN CONCLUTION,if we worry about our body maybe we wont need to be dialized.Eventhough kidneys sometime don't hurt, when the problem is too serious.
Amy Winehouse - In My Bed
It is a shame by the reason of the focking drug suffer many families and die many people.
Urban Legends

Susan Boyle - Britains Got Talent 2009 Episode 1 - Saturday 11th April |...
This is an example that we shoudn't judge by appearances the talent not must be measured by appearences.
Hello professor
Thanks for being a different teacher.
Thanks foe breaking that barrier of student and teacher.
I started seeing as a teacher but I finish washing it a friend.