domingo, 26 de junio de 2011

The naming game

Naming is hard. Often, businesses spend countless hours naming their company, products and sites only to see very little return on their hard work. That doesn’t mean naming is unimportant. Naming will never “make” your product, company or site, but it can “break” it (and hurt your search engine results).

Naming is a process that has similar considerations, whether you’re naming a company, a product, or domain. Here are some helpful tips to guide your naming activities.

Brainstorm: Make a list of words that are qualities and attributes of what you are naming. Consider words that are benefits, terms that are consistent with your business category, and words that describe the differentiation between you and the others within your category.

Free Association: Put each word on an individual piece of paper and do a free association.

Get Creative! Take the remainder of your list and extract a list of possible names. Focus on the ideas that are easy to pronounce and spell. Your name should also be memorable as well as differentiated from other well-known brand names on the market.

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