viernes, 21 de febrero de 2014

My own company is called "Paola Fiesta Deluxe"

I have a company called "Paola Fiesta Deluxe", Paola is the name of my daughter, Fiesta is like party what you are going to celebrate and Deluxe is because we offer you a premium products, we always offer to our customers all kind of products that you demand to celebrate your party, if you need: chair, desk, and tableclothes and everythings that you need, we have. My dream is to expand and to be the number one offering my services, if you go to celebrate some event you should think in us. If you dream to be a entrepreneur,be persintent and you could have a fruitful future. A tv show called " Emprendedores" directed by a young man named David Collado, he interview a young entrepreneurs who have theis own business to show us how you can become a big entrepreuner like them,.

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