viernes, 23 de julio de 2010

Mastering the law of gravity (My favorite movies)

If somebody has seen my Blogger´s profile could have read that my favorite movies are: The Matrix 1-3, Equilibrium, Titanic, Pearl Harbour, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Lord of the Rings, etc.
I mean, I like almost every kind of movie, especially: Drama, Action, Science Fiction, Historical (based on real live), but the matter about movies based in real live events, it is that they almost always are sad, and they have an unhappy end.

I watch lots of movies, but, sometimes at the end of a movie I feel like "What a waste of time".

I have to say something, when I was a child I didn´t go to Movie theathers, my first time was at about 13 or 14, but this year I have gone many times, and I really love cinemas, so I´ll go more often, and that´s it.

Here I post a trailer from one of my favorites action movies, which include martial arts, enjoy it:

1 comentario:

  1. that's no the topic but, there are what you was answering to the teacher last night.

    Lonley with my pena I'm going
    without your love, I don't know
    what happen aqui
    solo con mi pena voy
    sin tu cariño, nada, nada, nada soy
