jueves, 22 de julio de 2010


When I was a child I remember that I saw my friends and brother`s playing yo-yos but I never could not know, why I did not learn it because it liked an easy game just a game, but now I can understand is a game but you need to practice it and learn some techniques such as Sleeping technique, Looping, Off-string, Freehand and others skills.

Keeping a yo-yo spinning while remaining at the end of its uncoiled string is known as sleeping.

Looping is a yo-yo technique which emphasizes keeping the body of the yo-yo in constant motion, without sleeping.

In the off-string technique, the yo-yo's string is not tied directly to the yo-yo's axle, and the yo-yo is usually launched into the air by performing a "forward pass" to be caught again on the string.

In freehand(5A) tricks, the yo-yo's string is not tied to the player's hand, instead ending in a counterweight. The counterweight is then thrown from hand to hand and used as an additional element in the trick.

So, people in conclusion yo-yos like easy but I do not play it yet.

1 comentario:

  1. I played a lot of yoyo when I was a child, I could remember specially a 7up one that had a so long sting, to played it I had to climb in a bank or a low wall, because otherwise the yoyo crashed to the ground, oh thats beautiful moments, chase the yoyo parts when it hit to the ground, they never come back again, and I refer to the yoyo parts.
