domingo, 18 de julio de 2010

I wanted to do this summary becuase l love baseball and l know that in the future l will become in a sportive chronicler. So, it is important to me to begin now doing some interestings searching
about that.

That summary show you some of the most important events that had happened in baseball history since 1858 until 2001; that era is best known as Ichiro Fever (2001). I hope that be so interesting to you as to me.

J-Ball Summary

: was known as townball, it was born in the early nineteenth century from the english game of "Cricket and Rounders" and from children games such as "One Old Cat".

Alexander Cartwright: standardized the field dimension still in use.

Henry Chadwick: in 1858 this sportwriters wroght the first rule book.

Union Soldiers: in (1861-1865) helped spread the popularity of the game during the Civil War.

Cincinnati Red Stockings: the first professional team in baseball. Was organized in 1869.

National League: was stablished in 1876.

The American League: was the rival of the National League and it was stablished in 1901.

Pittsburgh Pirates: were the champions of the National League.

The Boston Pilgrims: were the champions of the American League.

The First World Series: was played in 1903 between Pittsburh Pirates and Boston Pilgrims.

Horace Wilson: was an american teacher who introduced baseball in Japan in 1973.

Baseball in Japan:

was first played by schoolboys. primerily as a teaching tool and then was played quite rigidly as if it were a martial art to strengthen themselves physically and mentally.

The First Professional Japanese Team: was called Shibaura Club; was formed in tokyo in the early 1920s century.

Dainippon Tokyo Baseball Club: this became later the famous "Yomiuri Giants", founded in 1935.

Yomiuri Giants: were the champions of the both japanese league. Giants won nine consecutive series.

Tetsuharu Kawacami: the first superstar of the Yomiuri Giants; his nickname was " The God of Batting".

Shigeo Nagashima: the next giants star, still the most revered player in japanese baseball history. he played with the Giants and later he became a manager.

Sadahuru Oh: was the best known J-Ball player worldwide.

Babe Ruth: was the first U.S all-star player who visited Japan in goodwill and featured the best known U.S player of all time. He was called the " Babe".

Eiji Sawamura: he became in a national hero. He was a 17 years old pitcher who struck out Babe Ruth three times in one game.

Lefty O"doul: Made dozens of trips across the pacific and helped organized japanese professional league in 1936.

Mikami Goro: the first japanese player who won a spot on a U.S team. He becane the first japanese professional baseball player.

Murakami Masanori: was a japanese pitcher who spent two years playing for the San Francisco Giants in the 1960s.

Nomo Hideo: was the next star pitcher of the Kintesu Buffalos who joined to Los Angeles Dodgers in 1995, nickname "Tornado". He was voted rookie of the year in 1995.

Suzuki Ichiro: the most successfulhitter of the Orix Blue Wave who was drafted by the seattle Mariners in 2001, he was named rookie of the year and the most valuable player of the American League.

Los Angeles Dodgers: in 1990was nicknamed " The United Nations" team, because recruited many players of all nations.

Miguel Ramirez C.

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