viernes, 16 de julio de 2010

MY COUNTRYSIDE'S LEGEND "the headless woman"

In my beautiful countryside, there are several storys about legends,but I am going to tell you just one of them. The legend is called " LA MUJER SIN CABEZA", the headless woman is an old girl that walk in the night with a white dress, and her name is Maria. Many people were sure that had seen her walking on the stree without head. Nobody wantted to go out until late of the night, because the headless woman was in the street every single dark night. I did not believe in that story, for that reason my friends and I never saw her. Maria was a bad person that is true, but I do not think that she can be able to do that. Nobady wantted to sit on front her house. If the children were doing something wrong their parents tell them. The headless woman is going to catch you. Look at back of you! Maria the headless woman lived in my neighborhood before she died. But after her died, I was a little scare about her story.

1 comentario:

  1. l think that she was the same in my town but there she had not a name only the headless woman. l never believe in that because it is not dangerous a woman who has not head. is impossible that she see you, so, she would not can to catch you.

    this is my opinion
