lunes, 19 de julio de 2010

The Ups and Downs of Yo-yos
To me it was really very interesting the history of yo-yos , where the word was originated, the places in which it was developed, the uses of this ancient toy and even that it was named one of the oldest-unknown and the greatest toy of twentieth century.
The first time I came to Santo Domingo I used to see many young boys playing with yo-yos and do you know what? I asked to myself, what are they doing? I do not see any funny in that just looking at that stuff going up and down. I have tried to learn, but has been really difficult.
A little more about yo-yos
Well join the crowd . Unlike most sports .which are popular in one place but not another , yo-yo is trully interntional .In most Europe, for example , nobody knows or cares whether the Yankees Braves or Dodgers are the World Series champions
But yo-yo . That is something else .While the first baseball World Series was hoid in 1903, and the first Super Bowl was played in 1967 , yo-yos date back thousands of years .
The yo-yos became so popular that it became the favorite toys of royal families of England and France , as a result yo-yos were often called the Prince Wales toys.
Yo-yo we know today are traced to the Philipihes as far back 1500s.
Do you know what? . Even well- known politicians , actors,actresses and baseball players had their pictures taken, playing with yo-yos.
Why was yo-yos so popular? maybe it was because the yo-yo craze happended during the Great Depression. Few people had much money . But it did not take a lot of money to play yo-yo and besides it was really cheap, a nickle, a junior one.
It is a quite interesting story.

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