martes, 7 de octubre de 2014

Free Tickets

Para el Blog

I grew up in a very poor neighborhood and I remember when I was a child the owner of the Cinema Theater was going to gave us free tickets for the function on Sunday afternoons or Matinette, usually they show movies of martial arts were where Jackie Chang was my favorite actor.
In my personal opinion many of the martial arts films are designed for children but they are favorite movies of adults as well.
When the teacher asked me in class which were my favorite types of movies I like... musical was my answer all my classmates looked at me as if I was weird.
I like musicals movies because I transport myself to the story through songs rhymes.
One of my favorite movies of all time is the "Happy Feet" I know that a lot of people don't share the same ideas as me but I can't do nothing about it.
I asked a friend of mine through Facebook, she is from the United State, what does she think about Woody Allen's movies? She response me " All his movies are good; he's brilliant but very "dark"; strange comedy " which one of his movies is your favorite? That was my next question.. Antz and purple rose of Cairo, she answer me back... I have seen Antz before and I have to admit that it is very good one the others I have to find a way to download.

In Mastering The Law Gravitti lesson I learned all he effort and creativity that each actors and actrices put in every scene that looks very simple to us.

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