sábado, 25 de octubre de 2014

To have a Smart car, it sounds so interesting for many people, but no everybody is going to use it inmediatly, I remember when the metro was being built,I could listen people to say that they would not take it , because it was  not safe, for other people sounded it exciting.But now everybody take it, it is the mean of transportation for excellence in this country.The same thing will happen,  smart cars arrive, some people are not going to use them at the moment,but then everybody will adapt and they will be common to ride one of them .Car speak and tell you interesting things, it will be the best invention in their time.I wonder to know if will we be alive for seing cars like those? Although the science has been advancing so fast, it is posible that someone  from this century enjoys the big technological advance I Interviewed three people  with this question, what did they think  about Smart cars? person 1 said     ´´ oh I  would love to have one, but i will not be alive to see them´.´ person 2 said´´ it is fabulous to have  a car suggests you favorite places where you can go, I would work very hard during long time for buying one of that, my life  would be easier and I would sabe a lot of money´´.  person 3 said ´´ I like the aventure I think, it is amazing to be rode in them´´. That means people will adapt to use them.    My opinión about Smart cars, I can tell or think the same  that some people have said , at the beginning , it would look so strange, but within several months,they will be common to use , oh  interesting thing, the Price how much will they cost? will be they affordable to people?

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