miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2014

smart cars

          Smart cars  are method or strategies  to the drivers , smart cars offers maximum comfort,
agitily, and safety, they have been perfectly designed for your everyday life, smart cars save on gas and some cases they need electricity. The first thing that you can notice  when you see smart cars are the size, in my opinion they are not comfortable for a big family, maybe  for the couple with two children but people have different reasons to buy a car not only for family.

      Smart cars can reduce the numbers of accidents, they are created with this idea and use some
systems hat can help the location of the vehicle for recue and police units. The technology is one of the most importan aspects of smart cars, but how drivers can control all these automotive technology without distracting, example; voice control are distracting, buttons take more of the drivers'
attention, it is like at when we use a cell pnone while we are driving. Smart cars cannot solve all the problem, one the biggest problem is the traffic congestion. althought in the near future all of these change.


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