viernes, 17 de octubre de 2014

Hello Guys, You have to see this, for your own good. *I recommend it*.

          Today I would like to share with you some web pages that You can use for practice your English.

          In the first one you can use all the levels, i mean you can choose: basic,medium,advanced,etc. Besides phrasal verbs, grammar , listening , even chat in english with people from other countries. and have fun with games in english, lyrics songs, and also you can realise the quizzes from each lesson,to prove to yourself how much you have improved.
an option that i liked so much, it was the conjugate verbs, you put the verb that you want conjugate and then appears the verb in all the times.the page is in spanish but you can change it into english,french or italian whatever you want, there is an option for it. but the point is that you can use the spanish option when they explain to you some grammar if you can't understand. Here it is: 

this page it's almost like the first , but you can find others things..for instance: the basic grammar rules. i mean we are in level 7 but sometimes we have to go back and refresh some things, maybe easy or maybe not. like the professor said: don't be ashamed to repeat the book 1 or 2 and it's true.

I personally recommend this page, it's the official web page of touchstone books, given to us by the Cambridge University.(all the language school are using those books lately) Here you have the four books, the work here is an arcade mode(i mean like a game). You choose every topic by lesson and by book, and just do it. it's a funny way to refresh your mind and study all the grammar from the past books,without the necessity to look those books again. Enjoy it and have fun!.             

By: Nelson Eliezer Espertin Olivier. -  100052800.

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