miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014

                      Jball- Dominican Baseball

ARRIBAAA EL ECOGIDOOO' CARAJOOOO!!!! xDD Uppss sorry, I had forgotten in this blog Spanish is not allowed. xD :D :D

Alright, what should I tell about Jball? Well, Jball means, Japan baseball, and bla bla bla...but anyway, I don't feel like mentioning topics about Japan baseball, I'd rather talking about my culture which is Dominican Baseball.

Dominican baseball has taken root since long time ago. There are many strong teams that are struggling to get the award and be the first. My favorite team is ''El Escogido''...They have wiped out the other teams plenty of times. Also, Dominicans enjoy these games...Dominicans like to head to the ballpark to see these national games.

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