jueves, 27 de agosto de 2009
martes, 28 de julio de 2009
domingo, 26 de julio de 2009
sábado, 25 de julio de 2009
Man´s youth
Man´s youth
MAN'S YOUTH IS A WONDERFUL thing: it is so fulll of anguish and of magic and he never comes to know it as it is, until it has gone from him forever. It is the thing whose passing he watched with infinite sorrow and regret, it is the thing whose loss he must lament forever, and it is the thing whose loss he easily welcomes with a sad secret joy, the thing he would never re-live again. Could it be restored to him by any magic?
Why is this? The reason is that the strange and bitter miracle of life is nowhere else so evident as in our youth. And what is the essence of that strange and bitter miracle of life which we feel is poignantly, so unutterably, with such a bitter pain and joy, when we are young? It is this: that being RICH, we are poor; that being MIGHTY, we can yet have nothing; that SEEING, BREATHING, SMELLING, TASTING all around us the impossible wealth and glory of this earth- though with God nothing shall be impossible, feeling with an intolerable certitude that the whole structure of the enchanted life- the most fortunate, wealthy, good and happy life that any man as ever known- is ours- is at once, immediately and forever, the moment that we choose to take a step, or stretch a hand, or say a word- we yet know that we can really keep, hold, take and possess forever- nothing. (This is not to discourage you, but to spur you into being an achiever and to make you add colors to your destiny.). All passes, nothing lasts; the moment that we put our hand upon it, it melts away like smoke, is gone forever, and the snake is eating at our heart again; we see then what we are and what our lives must come to.
A young man is so strong, so certain, so mad and so lost. He has everything and is able to use nothing. He hurls the great shoulder of his strenght forever against phantasmal barriers, (while those phantasmal barriers could have been made not to exist, he is a wave whose power explodes in lost mid-oceans under timeless skies, he reaches out to grip a fume of painted smoke, he wants all, feels the thirst and power for everything, and finally gets nothing.
Thoughtless of money or the accumulation of material possessions, man is nonetheless defeated in the end by his own greed, a greed that makes the avarice of king midas seem paltry by comparison.
And that is the reason why, when youth is gone, every man will look back upon that period of life with infinite sorrow and regret. It is the better sorrow and regret of man who knows that once he had a great treasure and got nothing from it, of a man who knows that he had strenght enough for everything and never used it.
viernes, 24 de julio de 2009
Is our Spanish vanishing?
I was taking a literature class a month ago. And after reading some articles and documents about the history of our literature,I could notice that although
it was written for Dominican people I couldn´t understand it very well.
It will happend in the next decades with our Spanish, and globalization is helping to do it. We are in the high- tech fad,and as a result,all these terms will be included in our Spanish. For instance, when people are looking for a job it is better if they are bilingual, and if they know about technological things that are almost always in English. Another examples are when we go to the supermarket-there are a great number of articles that came from other languages; when we are in malls-the names of most stores are in other languages,too. Also if we watch TV we can see that there are programs in all kind of languages. Tourism is other factor that allows the disappearing of our language. We have to be bilingual in order to achieve a better relation with the main economical activity,which contributes to the higher number of foreign words in our Dominican Spanish.
In conclusion, our Dominican Spanish is disappearing because of globalization.
jueves, 23 de julio de 2009
Do you like it?
martes, 21 de julio de 2009
La clase Atilanesca (MESSAGE TO BE CONTINUED)
My plan was to use only one finger, but this is a class, and you know, we have to act with finesse
Yharis acting like Caperucitas' grandma,
still thinking that canadian actors will hire her
I can tell what the word "figureo" means...
Yeah, she's eating my cake
If I hadn't been here, probably I would have been anywhere, I hope you understand, because I don't.
Robot number one help us cheat on exams
Rianse ahora, barsa 'e degraciau
No, it's not my house's backyard, this is the languages school
domingo, 19 de julio de 2009
Vanishing Languages
Vanishing Languages history made me feel sad. When I was reading the text, I thought about how one would feel knowing that one is the only person on earth who speaks a determined language, and that when one die, that language will die with one. Into that situation , it is impossible to talk with somebody else, so it is not easy not to be able to enjoy one's native language.
I would like that all languages from all over the world never disapear, and that all people who would like to learn those languages be able to acces to the knowledge of them. To know a lo of languages from around the world I think is great.
Did the Chinese discover America?
I don't think that the Chinese discovered America. If the Chinese had discovered America, would have been evidences in the Americans' physic and in the Americans' culture.
The features I can see in Dominican people culture are from Spain and Africa.
The Chinese culture that I can see is from the chinese who live in this country.
Speaking about Gavin Menzies, I think that what he says about the discovery of America is not true. I think that Menzies is trying to become famous through the theory he invented.

After all these words I realize that we are really involved in this class more than in our lives; we look for thousand ways to enjoy and in this space we discover two thousand things that make us happy. Really is surprising as this class keeps us close and with so many inspiration.
Though tomorrow we will not be equal, all in the same place and at the same time, in our mind there stays the recollection of moments that many people will forget and frequently others will remember , in spite that many people are mad about finishing others continue enjoying this class identified as Atilanesca class ._
My blog
Hope you like it. Don't forget to leave your comments when you pass by.
Take good care, Atilano
sábado, 18 de julio de 2009
Don't Give Up (Lyrics)
By Peter Gabriel
In this proud land we grew up strong
we were wanted all along
I was taught to fight, taught to win
I never thought I could fail
no fight left or so it seems
I am a man whose dreams have all deserted
I've changed my face, I've changed my name
but no one wants you when you lose
don't give up
'cos you have friends
don't give up
you're not beaten yet
don't give up
I know you can make it good
though I saw it all around
never thought I could be affected
thought that we'd be the last to go
it is so strange the way things turn
drove the night toward my home
the place that I was born, on the lakeside
as daylight broke, I saw the earth
the trees had burned down to the ground
don't give up
you still have us
don't give up
we don't need much of anything
don't give up
'cause somewhere there's a place
where we belong
rest your head
you worry too much
it's going to be alright
when times get rough
you can fall back on us
don't give up
please don't give up
'got to walk out of here
I can't take anymore
going to stand on that bridge
keep my eyes down below
whatever may come
and whatever may go
that river's flowing
that river's flowing
moved on to another town
tried hard to settle down
for every job, so many men
so many men no-one needs
don't give up
'cause you have friends
don't give up
you're not the only one
don't give up
no reason to be ashamed
don't give up
you still have us
don't give up now
we're proud of who you are
don't give up
you know it's never been easy
don't give up
'cause I believe there's the a place
there's a place where we belong
Don't give up (For Emmanuel)
This is a song about hope. It means very much to me because it helped me go through difficult times in my life. Somebody whom I love very much got busted (arrested) in New York, this song came out in those days, and I have always felt that it is very special for me. Some years later, that person and I were shopping in New York, I saw the CD and asked him to buy it for me. I didn't tell him what that cd meant to me, I wasn't brave enough to do it. He still doesn't know that story, one day I will tell him. That person is my brother.
Always we can learn something of the other person
- I'm an excellent driver. - You can't drive now, Ray.
You Listening to me? This is very important.
he understood that in spite of his problem raymond was a very intelligent person.We can learn so much of other persons without importing your physical conditions.
The words that broke my heart
It is what have happened to me. I don´t know how to describe what I felt thursday night when the teacher dashed off in that moment of sincere feelings. I was so surprised because I didn´t know that part of his personality, and I was seeking into my head what I had written, because I thought that I had written only a few words that I felt in that moment. But at the same time I was identified myself with him, because sometimes it have happened to me.
When it happened, the first person that came to my mind was a teacher that once felt so moved by something that I wrote - not as move as Atilano - that encouraged me to write; a teacher that told me that my writings were very deep and I didn´t believe her; a teacher that told me she felt some respect for me because What I had in my heart,and my identification with social problems, she was the one who told me she would buy my first book when I will write it. As a result, I continue with my dreams.
The time have passed and I am here. God have gave me the opportunity to be the pupil of a great teacher, now. A teacher that has made cry a student after post some words on a beautiful friday 17,in a blog called 323summerenglish, and after dedicate a song called ¨That´s what friends are for¨ to a group of students that have improved their skills after being with him in a summer class.
Teacher, I love you, all of us love you. I don´t want you to cry anymore. You cannot cry because as Carina says in her comment it is forbbiden for you, and it was not my intention. Contrary to that, you have to be proud of the things you have achieved. I want to say that, if I couldn´t be writer, later I won´t regret for that because maybe It was not what I was assign for, and I would see on my back and could realize that I really had achieved a lot of things.
All of this words, just to say that the yesterday words of our teacher broke my heart. Teacher, you can always count on me,too. Take care, and take care of your mother-in law.
viernes, 17 de julio de 2009
You can always count on me
I dedicate this beautiful video to all of you, who have shared your dreams and goals with me. Thank you for being, not my students, but my friends, my children, and for giving me moments of joy and bliss. The name of the song is : That's what friends are for. It is by Dionne Warwick, Gladys Night, Stevie Wonder and Elton John. Atilano
Admiration and respect
I respect the people who are not afraid to say what they think.
I respect the people who are themselves in spite of what others think or say.
I respect the people who are talented, energetic, and creative.
People like this, deserve all my support.
I believe in people who show enthusiasm in the things they do.
I have struggled all my life to be better, after so many years I have done a couple of things who justify the person I am nowadays. I am sorry, I am not happy with myself, I wish I could have done more. I regret I haven't used my time in a better way. I know that others have done half of what I have done, shame on them, that doesn't help me at all. I wish I were the the hard-working person my father was until he died. I wish I had the energy, the strength my mother has shown in tough times, when I thought she would not see the next day. They are my example, my light, the path I try to walk when I wake up in the morning. That's the path I want my children to walk: work, honesty, dignity, love and intellectual growth. In other words, I wish my children could fulfill some of my dreams. I want them to be the man I couldn't be; however, I don't want to impose anything on them. I'd like to be a guide for them, to show them some possible routes in life, nevertheless, it's their choice not mine, it is their life. Once I told my wife, I wish I were there every time they cry, to support them. It makes feel happy to know that, even though I might not be physically with them when this happens, my heart, my thoughts, my soul will be. All of these words, just to say that I was very moved by Mency's words yesterday. It usually happens to me when I run into young, talented people. People who struggle like me to be better. People who face a new day with optimism even if life hits them on the face. I am not good at being optimistic, but I'll learn some day. You guys, deserve my deepest admiration and respect, and even today in the morning when I drove my car in the Campus, tears ran down my face. Tears of joy, admiration and respect. God bless you all, Atilano.
* My mother in-law-and me. She's sick and I wish her recovery and joy.
jueves, 16 de julio de 2009
Languages die when they are no longer spoken. This happens for various reasons. First of all when those who speak the language die because of natural disasters or genocide. When Europeans eradicated the inhabitants of Tasmania, in the nineteenth century, many languages died with them. Just like, within two hundred years from the arrival of the Europeans in America, many, many languages died together with 90 percent of the indigenous population killed by diseases imported by the colonizers.
War and dispersion can rapidly destroy a linguistic community within a few generations. Political choices can also lead to the death of a language: it happens when the dominate group in power opts for assimilation (cultural, religious, linguistic) of the minority groups and so bans languages different from theirs – in schools, in public- in the name of national unity and of a single language. There are many examples: it happened to the Kurds in Turkey, to the Australian Aboriginals-when the government and the church, for almost the whole twentieth century, removed their children so that they could be raised “the right way”- to native Americans.
The market also plays a part, in the sense that if a minority language isn’t used for economic exchange it is not likely to survive.
And the market is now global, with communities that have become like the stronger ones. It’s the end of geographic isolation. Urbanization and globalization create a scene made of global languages for global markets and dominant cultural models, to which new generations aspire and adapt, often preferring to abandon their origins, from cultural to linguistic identity, because that model is perceived as better.
Languages that are really in danger are those spoken only by old people and no longer taught to children – due to external causes or internal circumstances of the community dictated by the modification of the socio-economic context in which the languages were born.
Vanishing Languages Identified
Oklahoma Is Among Places Where Tongues Are Disappearing
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Oklahoma has earned the dubious distinction of being one of the five worst "language-loss hotspots" in the world -- places where native languages are going extinct the fastest -- according to an analysis released yesterday.
The Sooner State's inclusion in the global top five is a reminder, researchers said, that the United States has a long history of linguistic diversity and that the problem of language extinctions is not limited to distant lands.
Of the approximately 7,000 languages spoken, about half are expected to disappear in this century, said K. David Harrison, a Swarthmore College linguist and co-director of the Enduring Voices project. That collaboration between the National Geographic Society and the Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages of Salem, Ore., assembled the latest statistics on global language loss.
While previous analyses have focused on individual languages that have just one or a few surviving speakers, Harrison and his colleagues took a geographic approach, identifying where in the world languages are disappearing fastest. Oklahoma and nearby areas of the American Southwest, it turns out, have an extremely rich linguistic fabric because of the many Native American tribes that were corralled there in the 1800s.
Today those languages are disappearing by the month, and with them a treasure trove of ecological insights, culinary and medicinal secrets and complex cultural histories, including mythologies that can teach a lot about universal human fears and aspirations, Harrison said.
"It may seem frivolous, but mythological traditions are attempts to make sense of the universe, and the different ways that the human mind has tried to grapple with the unknown and the unknowable are of scientific interest," he said.
Following in the footsteps of early colonialists, but carrying high-quality digital video and audio equipment instead of guns and trinkets, the Enduring Voices project has launched a number of expeditions to document dying languages, about half of which have no written form. Where there is interest in preserving those tongues, it has helped create teaching materials for use in local classrooms.
The venture's analysis, based in part on scholarly research and presented in a telephone news conference yesterday, took three factors into account in identifying the "hotspots": The diversity of languages spoken, the number of living speakers and how old they are, and the extent to which the languages have been documented.
Among those on the brink of extinction in Oklahoma is Yuchi, a language native to the same-named tribe from Tennessee and believed to be unrelated to any other in the world. It is spoken by just a handful of elders because youngsters in government boarding schools were punished if they veered from English. Yuchi tales tell of Earth's creation from water with the help of a crawfish and the emergence of the tribe's forebears from a drop of menstrual blood in the sky.
The other four hotspots are:
¿ Northern Australia, where project members recorded the last known speaker of Amurdag -- a man who remembers about 100 words that he last heard spoken by his now-deceased father.
was taken from internet
My reflection about yesterday class
The yesterday class was more interesting than I had imagined. Yuliana really did a good presentation. I love the topic she selected, because nobody like to talk about our country and the beautiful things that it has. Most of the time, we are used to hear people talking about their future plans, and those plans include flee their country in reaching of a better economical situation. Moreover, people talk about all the bad things that our country has, in contrast, people who come to visit our country don´t become tired of praise the beauty we have as a country.
I talked about the yuliana presentation in particular because it really called my attention, but in general all presentations were good.I think so. I hope that we will do a very good work when we have to do the final one.
One the other hand, I didn t hear the complete messsage when the teacher was talking about our responsabilities as students in the blog, but it is something that bother me, because I would like to have enought time to post everything that come to my mind, and we talk in class but it is not possible for me because I have so many things to do. However, When I have time, I start to write about different things that are important for me, I write it in my notebook,because when some ideas come to my mind I am used to note downn for not send it to oblivion, not matter if it is about the blog or about other classes. The point is that I have written many articles and stories about different topics and later I want to write a book about that. Even though I dont have enought time, I will try to make good use of the time, and write and make comments as frecuent as possible.
martes, 14 de julio de 2009
Vanishing Languages
They said the continuing drive for the young to communicate in one of the three most popular tongues - English, Spanish or Mandarin - threatens to destroy a key ingredient of humanity's cultural heritage.
Scientists estimate there are 6,000 to 8,000 identifiable languages in the world and that most are spoken by less than a few thousand individuals, making them especially vulnerable to extinction.
*An opinion taken from Internet._
Article: Most of the world's languages `will vanish by 2100' Cultural Heritage Dominance of English, Spanish and Mandarin among new generations threat

The atlas maps the location and gives details about each of the 2,500 languages that linguists classify as endangered or are already extinct.
According to UNESCO, these languages will probably vanish before the end of the century if efforts are not made to preserve them now.
What languages are on the list, and where are they spoken?
Endangered languages are everywhere, actually. If you look up UK on the Atlas, you’ll see 12 languages. Four of these, Norn, Manx, Cornish and Alderney French, are already extinct. Scots and Welsh are rated as “unsafe,” while Yiddish, Romany, Irish and Scottish Gaelic show up as “definitely endangered.” Guernsey French and Jersey French are severely endangered.
The US has 191 endangered languages, mostly belonging to Native American tribes like the Menominee, which has 35 native speakers remaining. Sioux, the language of the great Native American chief Sitting Bull, is listed as “unsafe” with 25,000 speakers.
Then, there are languages like Silbo Gomero, spoken by about 1,000 people on La Gomera, one of the Canary Islands. This language is made up entirely of whistles, to help shepherds communicate over long distances on the island. However, Silbo Gomero may benefit from the efforts of Busuu.com, a language learning website based in Spain that teaches endangered languages to people all over the world.
*From internet._

Vanishing languages alarm experts
Linguists alarmed at the unceasing extinction of many indigenous languages identified five global "hot spots" where the problem is worst, led by northern Australia and a region of South America.The linguists are part of the Enduring Voices project that seeks to document and revitalise languages slipping toward oblivion, often spoken by indigenous peoples like Australia's aborigines whose cultures were trampled by settlers.
David Harrison of Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania, the project's co-director, said there are 6,992 recognised distinct languages worldwide. He said on average one language vanishes every two weeks, often as its last elderly speakers perish. The project named the region of northern Australia that includes Queensland, Northern Territory and Western Australia as the place where local languages are most threatened. The linguists said aboriginal Australia harbours some of the most endangered languages, with 153 different ones spoken in this region. A region of central South America covering Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Brazil and Bolivia wassecond on the list of "hot spots," with indigenous languages being overcome by Spanish, Portuguese or other indigenous languages.The linguists said Bolivia has twice the language diversity of the nations of Europe combined, but many of the smaller tongues are being smothered by Spanish or other languages. Placing third and fifth on the list were regions of North America where the languages of native peoples are imperiled - an area including British Columbia in Canada and the US states of Washington and Oregon, and an area covering the US states of Oklahoma, Texas and New Mexico. Eastern Siberia, also with endangered native languages, was the No.4 "hot spot"."There are quite a few languages, dozens if not hundreds, that are down to one, two or three speakers, or maybe even they've lost their last fluent speakers but have a few 'semi-speakers'who have a passive knowledge of the language," We're going to lose an immense storehouse of knowledge," Harrison added, noting for example that valuable information accumulated over centuries about various living species exists in languages of native peoples. Many languages have no written form, meaning that they are lost forever when their last speaker dies, Harrison said.
"Languages often trickle out of existence rather than sort of abruptly disappearing,".Over the years, some languages have been deliberately exterminated by colonisers or aggressors taking over territory or waging genocide.
Taken from the internet
lunes, 13 de julio de 2009
Illegal Drugs
domingo, 12 de julio de 2009
Different kind of drugs this is important for you
Drugs are also categorised by their affects. The categories are; Stimulants, Depressants, Hallucinogens and Analgesics.
* Stimulants - have an affect on your central nervous system. This increases your brain activity, making you excited and energetic. Stimulant drugs include amphetamines and cocaine.
* Depressants - depressant drugs have the opposite affect on your central nervous system, slowing down your brain activity. You may become lethargic. Alcohol and solvents are both depressants.
* Hallucinogenics - are drugs that distort the things you see and hear giving you the impression that things are there when they are not. LSD, magic mushrooms and cannabis are hallucinogens.
* Analgesics - are painkilling drugs aspirin and parecetamol are both analgesics,as is heroin.******
congratulations boys
I like me the selected topics .I wish to do good work. There is much that to speak about such a harmful topic of the drugs that our society harms.

To the moment of think of globqalization the most important isn't to know who is a favor or against. The point is that globalization as everything has advantages and disadvantages.
globalization is defined as a process by which the people of the world are unfied into a single society and function together. But what happend with that society and with the opprtunity of trade that globalization support, while it is true that globalization allow free trade between countries, poorer countries suffers disadvantages. Some countries try to save treir national market but is so difficult because of poorer counties usually export agricultural goods like here in Dominican Republic and richer countries subside their farmer like the United States which lower price for the poor farmer's crops compared to what it would be under "free trade".
When people think on globalization they only bear in mind the economic part, but globalization includes:technologycal, sociocultural, political, biological factors, language and others.
If culture is what people think, eat, how they dress, belief and activities they practice, and globalization is part of the culture and each society has their culture why Shomsky says that the term has been apropieted by Narrow sector of the power.
I think that it has to be two kind of globalization one of them to poorer countries and the other one to richer countries.Is true that Globalization let us to know and use a lot of think as technology, learn foreing language, to work abroad,etc. but we are poor country an we have our cruel relity.
But as Shomsky says will be change in the future. I hope so.
Our mistakes II
When Cristopher Columbus arrived in 1492, he disembarked a lot of passengers in our country
24. Riches people heritage many goods when they die
Rich people´s inherit many goods when they die
25. The economy in my country is severity for poor people
The economy in my country is severe for poor people
26. I want to invited you the next friday
I want to invite you next friday
27. It´s important for my
It´s important for me
28. Maybe they asks a little question
Maybe they ask some questions
29. Some of them are very curious
30. What country is yo-yo come from?
What country does the yo-yo come from?
31. Nobody know where and when yo-yo is originated
Nobody knows where and when yo-yo originated
32. I had 2 yo-yo
I had two yo-yos
33. Smart cars can reduces cars accidents
Smart cars can reduce car accidents
34. Governments spent a lot of money made smars cars
Governments spend a lot of money making smart cars
35. whit my credit card I can to pay goods and sevices
With my credit car I can pay goods and services
36. Leonel Fdez is the most tycoon person in DR
Leonel Fernández is a tycoon in Dominican Republic
37. When I was a teenager I had severities rules in my house
When I was a teenager I had severe rules in my house
38. Teacher´s PC is pinpoint Just between victoria and Antilano(our teacher)
39. After to say hello I have to talk you about...
After say hello I have to talk to you about...
40. We are an small group...
We are a small group
41. Chinese discover America 70 yrs before...
The Chinese discovered America seventy years before ...
42. Why did chinese have cook in their travel to America
Why did the chinese cook in their travel to America
43. An disadvantage is that smart cars have a lot of...
A disadvantage is that smart cars have a lot of ..,
sábado, 11 de julio de 2009

Our mistakes
1. The mayority of the party´s members were agree but just a little minority was disagree.
The majority of the party´s members agree, but just a little minority desagree.
2. You seems to be an interesting person who I think I can learn a lot
You seem to be an interesting person who I think I can learn a lot
3. I want to you to come here and tell the class about your life we know tha is very excited
I want you to come here and tell the class about your life we know that it is very interestig
4. How does the computer system created by Dot work? Because it is under computer control and roads operator
Works under computer control and road operators
5. Because this project need enough money
Because this project needs enough money
6. Because it can be safety
Because it can be safe
7. United States exchange good with Dominican Republic
The United States exchanges goods with The Dominican Republic
8. My husband split up our coffe every morning
My husband split our coffe every morning
9. My uncle Michael had severity hurst in an accident
My uncle Michael had severe hurts in an accident
10. Luxery cars use GPS for pinpoint it it are stolen
Luxery cars use GPS to pinpoint if they are stolen
11. I´ll be very pleasure with your visit in it class
I´ll be very pleasant with your visit in this class
12. Because they want to send a drivers a warning
Because they want to send to drivers a warning
13. My manager has takes a severity decition
My manager has taken a severe decision
14. I´m wearing for your answer
I´m waiting for your answer
15. He is a written
He is a writer
16. He spouk about Australia
He spoke about Australia
17. I can made many trick
I can make many tricks
18. Drivers takes a new ways to develop his or her ability
Drivers take a new way for develops his or her ability
19. The drives has learn something about technology
Drivers have learned something about technology
20. They planning modified version of the plan wich would bring
They are planning to modify the version of the plan which would bring
21. In the DR a lot of couple split up after 2yers get married
In the Dominican Republic a lot of couples split up after two years of get married
22.Is easyer by the police pinpoint the childrens went they are missed
It is easier for the police to pinpoint children when they are lost
What we need to know about Drugs”
Medicines Are Legal Drugs
If you have ever been sick and had to take medicine, you already know about one kind of drugs. Medicines are legal drugs, meaning doctors are allowed to prescribe them for patients, stores can sell them, and people are allowed to buy them. But it's not legal, or safe, for people to use these medicines any way they want or to buy them from people who are selling them illegally.
Cigarettes and Alcohol
Cigarettes and alcohol are two other kinds of legal drugs. In our country and other countries of the world adults who are 18 years old and over are allowed to buy cigarettes and those who are 21 years old and over are allowed to buy alcohol, but we have to be careful with this substances because smoking and excessive drinking can damage your health, and the general condition of your body
Illegal Drugs
When people talk about the "drug problem," they usually mean abusing legal drugs or using illegal drugs, such as marijuana, ecstasy, cocaine, LSD, crystal meth and heroin. (Marijuana is generally an illegal drug, but some states allow doctors to prescribe it to adults for certain illnesses.)
Why Are Illegal Drugs Dangerous?
Illegal drugs are not good for anyone, but they are particularly bad for a kid or teen whose body is still growing. Illegal drugs can damage the brain, heart, and other important organs. Cocaine, for instance, can cause a heart attack even in a kid or teen.
While using drugs, a person is also less able to do well in school, sports, and other activities. It's often harder to think clearly and make good decisions. People can do dumb or dangerous things that could hurt themselves or other people when they use drugs.
Why Do People Use Illegal Drugs?
Sometimes people try drugs to fit in with a group of friends. Or they might be curious or just bored. A person may use illegal drugs for many reasons, but often because they help the person escape from reality for a while. If a person is sad or upset, a drug can temporarily make the person feel better or forget about problems. But this escape lasts only until the drug wears off.
Drugs don't solve problems, of course. And using drugs often causes other problems on top of the problems the person had in the first place. A person who uses drugs can become dependent on them, or addicted. This means that the person's body becomes so accustomed to having this drug that he or she can't function well without it.
Once a person is addicted, it's very hard to stop taking drugs. Stopping can cause withdrawal symptoms, such as vomiting (throwing up), sweating, and tremors (shaking). These sick feelings continue until the person's body gets adjusted to being drug free again.
Can I Tell If Someone Is Using Drugs?
If someone is using drugs, you might notice changes in how the person looks or acts. Here are some of those signs, but it's important to remember that depression or another problem could be causing these changes. A person using drugs May:
• lose interest in school
• change friends (to hang out with person who use drugs)
• become moody, negative, cranky, or worried all the time
• ask to be left alone a lot
• have trouble concentrating
• sleep a lot (maybe even in class)
• get in fights
• have red or puffy eyes
• lose or gain weight
• cough a lot
• have a runny nose all of the time
What Can I Do to Help?
If you think someone is using drugs, the best thing to do is to tell a person that you trust, this could be a parent, other relative, teacher, coach, or school counselor. The person might need professional help to stop using drugs. A grown-up can help the person find the treatment he or she needs to stop using drugs.
Below, I have listed some words that may be new to you.
Words to Know
Addiction (say: əˈdɪk.ʃ ə n) A person has an addiction when he or she becomes dependent on or craves a drug all of the time.
Depressant (say: dɪˈpres. ə nt) A depressant is a drug that slows a person down. Doctors prescribe depressants to help people be less angry, anxious, or tense. Depressants relax muscles and make people feel sleepy; less stressed out, or like their head is stuffed. Some people may use these drugs illegally to slow themselves down and help bring on sleep — especially after using various kinds of stimulants. (See below.)
Hallucinogen (say: həˈluː.sɪ.nə.dʒen ) An allucinogen is a drug, such as LSD, that changes a person's mood and makes him or her see, hear, or think things that aren't really there.
High (hai) A high is the feeling that drug users want to get when they take drugs. There are many types of highs, including a very happy or spacey feeling or a feeling that a person has special powers, such as the ability to fly or to see into the future.
Inhalant (say: in-hay-lunt) — an inhalant, such as glue or gasoline, is sniffed or "huffed" to give the user an immediate rush. Inhalants produce a quick feeling of being drunk — followed by sleepiness, staggering, dizziness, and confusion.
Narcotic (say: nar-kah-tik) — A narcotic dulls the body's senses (leaving a person less aware and alert and feeling carefree) and relieves pain. Narcotics can cause a person to sleep, fall into a stupor, have convulsions, and even slip into a coma. Certain narcotics — such as codeine — are legal if given by doctors to treat pain. Heroin is an illegal narcotic because it is has dangerous side effects and is very addictive.
Stimulant (say: stim-yuh-lunt) — A stimulant speeds up a person's body and brain. Stimulants, such as methamphetamines and cocaine, have the opposite effect of depressants. Usually, stimulants make a person feel high and energized. When the effects of a stimulant wear off, the person will feel tired or sick.
This information was taken from the internet, and modified with my personal opinion and ideas about drugs” I know that it is large, but I think that it can help us to learn more about drugs.
viernes, 10 de julio de 2009
Saterday, July11, 2009
Saterday, July11, 2009
Globalization attemps to unite the whole world into one. the term globalization refes to the integration of economies around the world, and it doesn't involve only the economic side, but also the social, the cultural, and personal sides of each population. It refers to the movement of people ( tourists and immigrants), the movement of capital,and the movement of products from each country to others.
When Iwas a little girl, it was much harder to see people from other countries; nowadays one can see foreigners all over the country.
There are Dominicas all around the world, and I am sure that in each country there are persons from other countries.
Before, it was rare to see in our country apples all the year, but nowadays due to some treaties that the government has entered with other countries, one can see not only apples but many other produts from all over the world.
jueves, 9 de julio de 2009
My opinion about globalization

Hello class, I have been absent for a long time. I won´t tell you what happened to me because the only fact of remember it let me down. Now, I think that it is too late to tell you what I really wanted to say. But, I feel a little depressed because I passed the whole summer waiting for an internet connection and it was not what I had in my mind.
I want to give my opinion about globalization althought I don´t know so much about it, the only thing I know is that we are immersed in it. Globalization is our partner whether we like it or not, it is spread all over the world, yet in countries like Cuba. I agree with globalization even thought it causes a lot of dammages to the entire word, however, globalization has permitted the integration of it, and today I can do a lot of things because of it. If I start to write about the things globalization has permitted can be that tomorrow at this time I will be writing in this blog about it. Unfortunatelly, the people who use this term are the most powerful ones. This means that if we opposse globalization it will be like an egg in from of a stone. As I take it,we have to be on the side of globalization, we have to deal we it, and try to get the state-of- the art in terms of globalization in order to compete in the 21st century.
The WTO, the WB, the IMF and the G8
The World Bank (WB) & The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
the G8
These organizations defend globalization. So, if you take a look at these videos, you will learn a little more what they stand for.

I can mention as advantages, the technology that we, now, have the opportunity to use, such as cellphones, computers, brand new cars, internet, and so forth.
On the other hand, as disadvantages I can say that crime has increased because of Globalization, people who do not have jobs, or that are not well-educated can learn about crime and can try to imitate that behavior. Also Dominicans who have committed crime in other countries, basically in the United States have brought that behavior to our crime, I mean delinquency.
I think that if we give a good education to our children, they will be able to know what they can imitate and what they cannot. In other words, they will be able to distinguish between good and bad things. It is important to know that a good education does not mean a good or expensive school, it means to teach them how to behave every moment and to talk to them DAILY, just to ask them what did they do during the day? or how was their day at school?, for example. It is absolutely important to have communication with our children every day. By doing this, we can counteract some of the harmful effects Globalization can bring us.
miércoles, 8 de julio de 2009
Let´s put a little liquid paper to this blog.
My opinion about -Globalization-
Well globalization involves everything since the clothes we wear to the technology we use and our economy. This picture talks about globalization do you remember the play? So here it is, do you remember that technology is globalized? look at the two naked people introducing a machine, do you remember we were talking about other international companies that were introducing their products in a big amount and ours is getting bought in a less quantity look at the foot of one of the naked person it means that big companies are trampling ours, look somebody jumping through the window it means that the globalization is not good for him and he didn´t have other choise so he decided to kill himself as Bernandina said when she was talking about what was globalization for her and she said she wanted to hanged herself because she can´t save a penny. So I think this picture is a really good example of globalization.
I am not in favor or against the globalization because it brings a lot of good things as bad so we have to check in which areas globalization is productive for us and in which is not. So I don´t say globalization is bad or good it is just what it is and I don´t pay so much attention to that I just live happy like it has to be.
Cuba Looks at Globalization

Experts from 50 countries attend the International Meeting of Economists on Globalization and Development Problems.
The US recession's impact on economies of the Latin American and Caribbean countries
Some 1,000 experts from 50 countries are to attend in this capital Monday the International Meeting of Economists on Globalization and Development Problems, amid a panorama of economic uncertainty and high oil prices.
A source from the organizing committee has confirmed the presence in the event of Bolivia's President Evo Morales and Monsignor Marcelo Sanchez, Bishop Chancellor at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences in the Vatican.
National Association of Economists of Cuba (ANEC) vice president Esther Aguilera also told Prensa Latina that among figures will be 1999 and 2007 Nobel prizewinners in Economy Robert Mundell and Eric Maskin, respectively.
Also included are representatives from 20 international and regional organizations among them UNCTAD, WTO, IMF, ALADI, SELA and ECLAC.
The US recession's impact on economies of the Latin American and Caribbean countries, and the international situation due to the explosion of the private debt and the real estate sector are among the lectures of the meeting.
After the official opening of the event today, there will be speeches by Orlando Caputo Leiva, from the Studies Center on Transnationalization, Economy and Society of Chile, and Osvaldo Martinez, director of the World Economy Research Center, among other experts.
The ANEC vice president stated that Fidel Castro was the inspirer of this kind of meeting, and recalled how in the 1998 event she stated the need to debate the most urgent problems of the international economy.
the reality of the globalization
The globalization is related as product of the public international organizations F. M I. nevertheless, the globalization is an autonomous process and a spontaneous order foreign to the directionof such public organisms and that depends rather on the economic growth, the technological advance and the conectividad
humanizes (transport and telecommunications
A girl of San Francisco, in The United States, did the experiment of emptying her wardrobe and looking attentivly at the origin of the articles
Vietnam, India, Taiwan, Cambodia, Thailand, Israel, El Salvador, The Philippines and Turkey were some of the countries that she found as origen of her wardrove.
A marine German biologist proposed a crab of Chinese origin. The crab came secretly in a container it does 50 years to Europe, it escaped in Hamburg and was reproduce fervently until the river dominated Elba and to spread over the rest of the world
Taken of the plastic arts and the images of the globalization.*********
martes, 7 de julio de 2009
Yharis' viewpoint about globalization._

Globalization is a process which pretends to unify the world in different aspects (industrial, financial, economic, political, informatical, ecological, cultural, social, technical, ethical, ...).
Through this process each country all over the world is increasing and is bettering human beings but most of the time who has the power (in this case rich countries) is the winner that is why those countries are already getting into globalization easier and faster than poor countries, as we are.
So, me as a person who lives in a poor country, think that we can not put our hands on our face and let the time run away because we are already involved and we have to be clear about what can help us and what can kill us. Besides, we have to know that globalization as everything, has advantages and disadvantages.
Dominican Republic is bettering about technology, but it has also been struck by the emigration refering to the Haitians. Besides, as an agricultural country, we have to guarantee our quality trying our own products but we do not do it!, always we want to try new goods from foreign countries but what about our growth? It is easier to another country to sell their products, but difficult for us because we do not have the superpower that we need to do it. I am not antiglobalizationist but I think that the Dominican Republic has to be half and half on the globalization and antiglobalization, without allowing that others do what they want.
Adam Smith._

Adam Smith (baptised 16 June 1723 – 17 July 1790 [OS: 5 June 1723 – 17 July 1790]) was a Scottish moral philosopher and a pioneer of political economy. One of the key figures of the Scottish Enlightenment, Smith is the author of The Theory of Moral Sentiments and An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. The latter, usually abbreviated as The Wealth of Nations, is considered his magnum opus and the first modern work of economics. Adam Smith is widely cited as the father of modern economics.
Smith studied moral philosophy at the University of Glasgow and Oxford University. After graduating he delivered a successful series of public lectures at Edinburgh, leading him to collaborate with David Hume during the Scottish Enlightenment. Smith obtained a professorship at Glasgow teaching moral philosophy, and during this time wrote and published The Theory of Moral Sentiments. In his later life he took a tutoring position which allowed him to travel throughout Europe where he met other intellectual leaders of his day. Smith returned home and spent the next ten years writing The Wealth of Nations (mainly from his lecture notes) which was published in 1776. He died in 1790.
*Taken from Internet._
The North American Free Trade Agreement ''NAFTA''._

The North American Free Trade Agreement or NAFTA (pronounced /næf.tʌ/, naf-tu) (Spanish: Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte [TLCAN], French: Accord de libre-échange nord-américain [ALENA]) is a trilateral trade bloc in North America created by the governments of the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The agreement creating the trade bloc came into force on January 1, 1994. It superseded the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement between the U.S. and Canada.
In terms of combined purchasing power parity GDP of its members, as of 2007 the trade block is the largest in the world and second largest by nominal GDP comparison.
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has two supplements, the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC) and the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC).
*From wikipedia._

I think that in globalization a lot of countries exchange their products. For example: products from china are bought here and our products are sold in other countries. Globalization has good and bad ways, in good way it is the economy evolution ,opportunity for work in different countries,etc. In bad way small countries can´t compete with big countries, prostitution and drugs have developed with globalization. Why? because in our country there are drugs from venezuela,colombia and in the United States there are drugs from our country.
Learning english is part of globalization because to know foreign languages open borders.
This is my personal opinion about Globalization"

When we talk about globalization in a context of economic we refer to the removal of barriers between developed countries, and less developed countries, in order to facilitate the flow of goods, that is the movement of money in a country, the capital services, and labour, that is the practical work, especially that kind of work which involves physical effort. Globalization” is also refer to the spread of new ideas, different languages, new cultures and new feelings because when we have new ideas, and we use our ideas to create new businesses, we're contributing with the globalization, and when we know how to speak different languages, we have been impacted by globalization, also if we have experimented new cultures, and new feelings, means that we are connected with globalization.
Globalization have entered in my life through the tourism, I mean when we enjoyed those big hotels, and resorts that we have in our country, by the theatres, and restaurants when we go to the theatres, and we enjoyed a play like we did when we watched the play called heaven” at El Palacio de Bellas Artes or when we go to a restaurant, and we tested new foods, or drinks, by the use of technology, by the use of those big super markets that have been established in our country where we can go to buy foreign products that are imported to our country, or when we buy different style of clothes, or jewellery that are made in other countries, and are sold in our country, by the use of the different transportation that we have nowadays in our country, for example El Metro and its subways which are a big impact of globalization in our culture, in conclusion I think that globalization have entered in our life through everything we used everyday in our life.
lunes, 6 de julio de 2009
You've made so very happy by ''BS&T''._
I've lost at love before
got mad and closed the door
but you said try, just once more
I chose you for the one
now I'm havin' so much fun
you treated me so kind
I'm about to lose my mind
You made me so very happy
I'm so glad you
came into my life
The others were untrue
but when it came to lovin' you
I'd spend my whole life with you
'cause you came and you took control
you touched my very soul
you always showed me that
lovin' you is where it's at
You made me so very happy
I'm so glad you
came into my life
I love you so much it seems
You're even in my dreams
I can hear you
yeah I can hear you calling me
I'm so in love with you
all I ever want to do is
thank you baby
thank you baby
You made me so very happy
you made me so very happy baby
I'm so glad you came
into my life
Ev'ry day of my life
I wanna thank you
You made me so very happy
Oh, I wanna spend my life with you
thank you baby
thank you baby
Blood, Sweat, & Tears ''BS&T''._

Blood, Sweat & Tears (also known as "BS&T") is an American music group, originally formed in 1967 in New York City. Since its beginnings in 1967, the band has gone through numerous iterations with varying personnel and has encompassed a multitude of musical styles. What the band is most known for, from its start, is the fusing of rock, blues, pop music, horn arrangements and jazz improvisation into a hybrid that came to be known as "jazz-rock". Unlike "jazz fusion" bands, which tend toward virtuostic displays of instrumental facility and some experimentation with electric instruments, the songs of Blood, Sweat & Tears merged the stylings of rock, pop and R&B/soul music with big band, while also adding elements of small combo jazz traditions.
*Taken Fron Wikipedia*._
domingo, 5 de julio de 2009
smarts car
2009 Smart Cabriolet
The Smart Passion Cabriolet offers you all the rewards of a Smart Passion ForTwo coupe, but with impressive styling that radiates sunshine and fresh air and in keeping with the Smart tradition of presenting different styles for different people, the Smart ForTwo Cabriolet is offered in the Passion model. The Smart Passion Cabriolet is manufactured at Smartville, a purpose-built factory complex in Hambach, France. It takes about 4.5 hours to make a Smart, compared to around 20 hours for a small sedan.
2009 Smart BRABUS
Now America can realize why the modified Brabus Smart car became a top seller in Europe and countries around the world. First launched in early 2001, as a BRABUS Smart City-Coupe and later made available in the Cabriolet version, the BRABUS offers absolute individuality. Soon you too can leap into a Smart Brabus and rocket down the street with safety, comfort and speed to spare. New for 2009 will be the availability of the BRABUS version, a special limited edition version of the standard model, and prices for the Brabus start at $20,000.
Smart Car Safety Options
Driving at night can be a safer with an auto-dimming rear view mirror. Now Smart Fortwo owner's can have a auto dimming rear-view mirror, eliminating that unsafe and aggravating glare from a cars headlights traveling behind you. As the Smart Fortwo grows in popularity one downside is evident, the car does not have some factory equipment we take for granted. As is the case of a auto dimming rear-view mirror. This great addition for your Smart Car eliminates that dangerous glare and the strain it puts on your eyes from cars approaching from the rear.
smart USA Ask for Help
To rev-up excitement in the US, smart USA and the Penske Group used a very resourceful and—what many thought—a successful advertising strategy to market the Smart when it finally made its way to the US. They truly created a Smart buzz, using the popular word-of-mouth (WOM) marketing method along their unique cross-country tour. Now, with new concerns about safety from consumers, Smart USA is asking Smart car owners to assist them by, once again, using WOM.
Smart Sophisticated and Strong
This is one of the nicest RV rigs you'll find on any highway. It's the conception of the Mitchell family and includes a SportChassis by Freightliner, an Elite Suite fifth-wheel by DRV and of course a Smart Passion. Mr. Mitchell, who recently attended and showed his stuff at a Freightliner event, was kind enough to write a great article about his Smart car transformation. Hopefully he'll tell us more about his impressive achievement and his Smart car travels? You'll note he tows his Smart with all wheels on the ground.