Hello class, I have been absent for a long time. I won´t tell you what happened to me because the only fact of remember it let me down. Now, I think that it is too late to tell you what I really wanted to say. But, I feel a little depressed because I passed the whole summer waiting for an internet connection and it was not what I had in my mind.
I want to give my opinion about globalization althought I don´t know so much about it, the only thing I know is that we are immersed in it. Globalization is our partner whether we like it or not, it is spread all over the world, yet in countries like Cuba. I agree with globalization even thought it causes a lot of dammages to the entire word, however, globalization has permitted the integration of it, and today I can do a lot of things because of it. If I start to write about the things globalization has permitted can be that tomorrow at this time I will be writing in this blog about it. Unfortunatelly, the people who use this term are the most powerful ones. This means that if we opposse globalization it will be like an egg in from of a stone. As I take it,we have to be on the side of globalization, we have to deal we it, and try to get the state-of- the art in terms of globalization in order to compete in the 21st century.
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