viernes, 17 de julio de 2009

Admiration and respect

I respect the people who are not afraid to make mistakes.
I respect the people who are not afraid to say what they think.
I respect the people who are themselves in spite of what others think or say.
I respect the people who are talented, energetic, and creative.
People like this, deserve all my support.
I believe in people who show enthusiasm in the things they do.
I have struggled all my life to be better, after so many years I have done a couple of things who justify the person I am nowadays. I am sorry, I am not happy with myself, I wish I could have done more. I regret I haven't used my time in a better way. I know that others have done half of what I have done, shame on them, that doesn't help me at all. I wish I were the the hard-working person my father was until he died. I wish I had the energy, the strength my mother has shown in tough times, when I thought she would not see the next day. They are my example, my light, the path I try to walk when I wake up in the morning. That's the path I want my children to walk: work, honesty, dignity, love and intellectual growth. In other words, I wish my children could fulfill some of my dreams. I want them to be the man I couldn't be; however, I don't want to impose anything on them. I'd like to be a guide for them, to show them some possible routes in life, nevertheless, it's their choice not mine, it is their life. Once I told my wife, I wish I were there every time they cry, to support them. It makes feel happy to know that, even though I might not be physically with them when this happens, my heart, my thoughts, my soul will be. All of these words, just to say that I was very moved by Mency's words yesterday. It usually happens to me when I run into young, talented people. People who struggle like me to be better. People who face a new day with optimism even if life hits them on the face. I am not good at being optimistic, but I'll learn some day. You guys, deserve my deepest admiration and respect, and even today in the morning when I drove my car in the Campus, tears ran down my face. Tears of joy, admiration and respect. God bless you all, Atilano.
* My mother in-law-and me. She's sick and I wish her recovery and joy.

5 comentarios:

  1. Hello Atilane!
    I need you to read these sentences: "I am not happy with myself, I wish I could have done more. I regret I haven't used my time in a better way." Think about it. The way you behave now, is the consequence of your previous actions. Don't think about the past. Everything you didn't do before, you cannot do it now. You cannot go back to when you were 25 or 30 in order to do things like you think now you had to do them. You just have to know that now you are an excellent person because of your mistakes. So, it is forbidden for you to feel guiltiness about your previous way of acting.

  2. Well teacher I don´t know how to react to this there are lots of feeling and thinkings coming to my mind. This types of things make me think a lot and encourage me and give me forces to continue working and do my best. Maybe you did so many bad or wrong things but that is what you had to do now you tell us and advice us to think before doing whatever stupid thing and believe me you have said things that I was about to do and I didn´t do it because I have heard words from you which I have thought about and I did not do it. Thanks for that at least you advice me you have done more than my "father" believe me. You are an eceptional person there are a very hand few persons like you, I really admire you I say this because I see the qualities you have and they are... I don´t know you have to be born again for the existant of such a beautiful person you are, do not change continue being the great person with that big and vast heart that you have. Every morning I ask God to give me the necesary energy to live the day that has just started and continue ahead.I want to show my father that I can do it without him eventhough I have never seen my father´s face I know one day I will and he will know and will feel what I felt when I needed him cuz I know that he will need me in the future. I say this because now you have touched my feelings and some times I want to give up everything but I can´t because of my mother because she deserves everything from me and also my girlfriend even if I don´t get married with her (I plan to do it I love her) she has shown me what is love I didn´t know what was it She also deserves everything from me. Thank you Atilane for giving me the opportunity of discharging What I feel. I hope that your mother in-law get better I am going to pray for her give my greetings.

  3. Emmanuel,
    You are great boy, with a great future ahead of you. Don't fill your heart with hatred and contempt. I have learned that in life we have to let things go; learn to forgive. I don't know if you hate your father, I hope you don't. Never hate anybody. It poisons you, it makes lose your perspective. When you hate somebody you become his/her slave. It is a waste of time and energy. In the long run, life gives people what they deserve.

  4. Teacher,
    I don´t hate my father but I´m really mad at him because he fled in the momment I was needing him. I met him for first time when I was missing three months to be nineteen and it was by phone. I feel better now because you are the first person I share my father´s story. I didn´t talk to anybody about this before, I just use to say I don know my father and that´s it. But now you know the part of my life I don´t like to talk about.
    Sorry for responding so late.

  5. Teacher I only want to say is look my class mate not to me because i haven't worked a lot. But if you think in a great work that they have done in this blog and in their short presentations and that is worth and you have done very well. You have been our inspiration. Do not forget it.
