To the moment of think of globqalization the most important isn't to know who is a favor or against. The point is that globalization as everything has advantages and disadvantages.
globalization is defined as a process by which the people of the world are unfied into a single society and function together. But what happend with that society and with the opprtunity of trade that globalization support, while it is true that globalization allow free trade between countries, poorer countries suffers disadvantages. Some countries try to save treir national market but is so difficult because of poorer counties usually export agricultural goods like here in Dominican Republic and richer countries subside their farmer like the United States which lower price for the poor farmer's crops compared to what it would be under "free trade".
When people think on globalization they only bear in mind the economic part, but globalization includes:technologycal, sociocultural, political, biological factors, language and others.
If culture is what people think, eat, how they dress, belief and activities they practice, and globalization is part of the culture and each society has their culture why Shomsky says that the term has been apropieted by Narrow sector of the power.
I think that it has to be two kind of globalization one of them to poorer countries and the other one to richer countries.Is true that Globalization let us to know and use a lot of think as technology, learn foreing language, to work abroad,etc. but we are poor country an we have our cruel relity.
But as Shomsky says will be change in the future. I hope so.
Good participation Angela, I definitely share many of your points of view. For example, when you say that poor countries like ours suffer disadvantages. I hope like you and Chomsky that the world changes soon. Remember to correct possible mistakes. Keep up the good work, Atilano.