viernes, 10 de julio de 2009


Saterday, July11, 2009


Saterday, July11, 2009

   Globalization attemps to unite the whole world into one. the term globalization refes to the integration of  economies around the world, and it doesn't involve only the economic side, but also the social, the cultural, and personal sides of each population. It refers to the movement of people ( tourists and immigrants), the movement of capital,and the movement of products from each country to others.

   When Iwas a little girl, it was much harder to see people from other countries; nowadays one can see foreigners all over the country.

   There are Dominicas all around the world, and I am sure that in each country there are persons from other countries.

   Before, it was rare to see in our country apples all the year, but nowadays due to some treaties that the government has entered with other countries, one can see not only apples but many other produts from all over the world. 

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Dalia,
    Remember "to fill" this post with information...I'll be waiting. Atilano.
