sábado, 4 de julio de 2009

A City Development

Ok guys, finally something new for this blog...

The Greeks began to construct temples for their gods, created schools because to them education was more important than a necessity; it was a duty.

On the other side of the world, in the Caribbean, people's worries were: to have many slaves in order to submit them to demanding agricultural jobs and the importation of Haitians to replace the Indians that died everyday; leaving education on a second place.

The basis of a city development, is education. An illiterate population is submitted to bad treatments and injustice, plus their life quality gets stuck.

When a person receives education, the progress and development doors open up, leading this person towards a better job opportunity and a new way to improve.

A city that invests on education, invests directly on the development of the different working areas.

An economist doesn't let stocks drop, a doctor helps reduce the death rate, etc. Each contributing to their city's development. Finally, a capable population equals to a developed city.


4 comentarios:

  1. Hi Vicz how you doing? I want to tell you that your article is so interesting because if we read it, and we examine it carefully, we can see how different country of the world think, and what are the most important things for developed countries, and less developed countries, some example of that are: creek people, the most important things for them are first their Gods because they’re building new temples to show a great respect or express admiration for them , and second their education because they think that education is more important than a necessity as you said in your article, and that it is something that you have to do because it is part of your job, or something that you feel is the right thing to do.

    And others like Caribbean people think that if they have power they can get everything, I mean that their worries are just to get money,in order to get the power to control the world leaving education in second place as you said, I think that if every country of the world could invest more money in education we would have less illiterate people than we have nowadays, I was reading an article on internet that talked about illiterate people, as you know they are that kind of person who are unable to read and write, I found that the estimated percentage of illiterate people around the world According to the most recent UIS data, there are 774 million illiterate adults in the world, about 64% of whom are women (UIS) means UNESCO Institute for Statistics which is the institution that make Global and internationally comparable statistics on education, science, culture and communication.

  2. Hello vicz, very good post. As lovers says it is a very interesting article. I think we have to think like Greeks do, because since the history of the human being, the people who have been educated are the ones who have got the most development status around the word.

  3. I wish our authorities read your post. Investment should be oriented to education; however, it seems to me that dominican governments are afraid of doing this, just to manipulate people. Illiterate people are easier to control, that's the point. Atilano.
