viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2014

My Dream Company - A GYM.

Name of my company :  Elier-Power (a combination of my name and a word that define me).

Motto : We train you like a champ and your dream will come true.

I would like to have a Gym , that's my dream company, because i worked in a gym 2 years ago and the experience was awesome. I could have workout for free and it was a part time so i had time to study, my job was training people, give some diets to them, show them how to use all the machines and so on and so forth.What i want to do is to have the best gym in the neighborhood and later of the city and last but not least the best gym of the whole country.I would like to have some employees,because the gym will be open from 5:00am in the morning to 10:00pm in the evening,it will be open on weekends from 8:00 am to 6:00pm for the people who not have enough time in the week to get their workouts,so I need a good schedule for my employees, for example: morning,afternoon and night shifts. so in that way my employees has the chance to study and they wouldn't be tired at the time to work and get better results.It would have a sauna bath, zumba classes,plasma tv(showing diferentes videos about the correct way to use the machines and how to do exercises etc.) ,personal trainers for each specific case,aerobics,weighing machine,massages,elliptical,spinning and routines to lose weight, gain muscle mass,resistance,tonification and cardiovascular programs,great music selection and the perfect environmentThe sales will be an important part of my company too,such as proteins with calories for gain weight and in low fat for the people who just want to keep their volume,caseins, energy drinks,gatorade,water,shakes,capsules for recovery,amino acids and weight loss suplements.

Enjoy the pictures guys, I hope you get interest in this because is your health and for the good of your heart, and remember, Eat,sleep do exercise and repeat.

By: Nelson Eliezer Espertin Olivier.    100052800

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