viernes, 25 de junio de 2010

Ciguapa Legend

The ciguapa is a magical being, beautiful in appearance to some, horrendous to others. All say they are wild creatures and are compared to a mermaid. Beautiful and cruel, not quite human yet innocent. They are said to have brown skin and black eyes. With smooth, glossy hair flowing the length of their naked bodies, covering them as if it a long beautiful gown. they are very deceitful and are always waiting in ready to capture the wayward traveler.

She is said to be such a spectacuCiguapalar beauty that men followed her into the forest even though following her tracks were very difficult as her footprints pointed in the opposite direction (the backward feet are found in ancient traditions to signify death, entry into the land of no return). Even thought it was difficult she was followed because of the promise that a beautiful woman was waiting.

Children are told if they stand by the shore facing the sea and yell "María la O, María la O, tu madre es puta y la mía no!", a big wave will break and take you to drown in the sea.

So remember, if you do come across a Ciguapa do not look into its eyes. She will bewitch you and you forever will be under her power....

Taken from internet ....Monica C. Sime

1 comentario:

  1. How are you Monica? I liked a lot your post. I wanted to say that previously I had heard that the legend about La Ciguapa came out because in the past, in the times of the colonization, Spanish men pursued indigenous women to hurt them and abuse them, and the women began to escape walking the other way around, so Spanish would be confused and wouldn't know where to find them. So, I think they imagined it was a tribe of women who had their feet backwards.
