miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010


Go to class. Especially if you're in college.
Sit in the front row and participate in class. By sitting in the front row, distractions are minimized and performance heightened. Asking questions or providing answers helps the student to stay engaged in the learning process.

Do your homework. Homework may seem like torture, but it IS really designed to help you learn.
Ask questions. OK, so you did your homework, but you still don't understand how to do an exercise of English. Go ahead and ask your teacher, OR A professor--even other students may be able to help.
Review before the test. Good job! You went to class, did your homework, and got your questions answered. Now, the test is tomorrow. Do you a) breathe a sigh of relief and go to bed; b) turn on the t.v. and watch the Simpsons; or c) review what you've learned? That's right, it's time to review. This is not the time for cramming, however; you're better prepared than that anyway. Go over your notes, take practice tests, and make sure you have important formulas memorized.
Relax. Make sure you get a good night's sleep the night before the test. You'll feel better and think more clearly if you're well rested. Good bye! Summer Eglish class. Say hello to Atilano! jeje

2 comentarios:

  1. Hey Frankelis that what you wrote is true, but usually students do not sleep early, consequently they get tired and they can't study well....So....we know the result of it...
    Thanks for your advices, I liked them all...

  2. Thanks Frankellis, but remember my partners DON´T STUDY JUST 1 OR 2 HOURS BEFORE THE TEST, if you do it in that way, you are going to Failed, because your brain will be overheated.

    Good luck tonigh!

    God Bless You All!
