martes, 29 de junio de 2010


I love films i think that i saw almost all films that present in.universal chanel, hall mark chanel, TNT, estudio universal and MGM. I saw the tigre and the dragon, Matrix, matrix revolution, matrix relower, the momy, the momy returm, the momy: the dragon maldiction and more and more.

But my favorite films are the based in the truth in real anecdotes, but that is no mean that i don like the others. The are some films that i don't like like "The Hero" because there are so many fiction and it is so ireal bit there are others although there are fiction that play with your mind and it could be posible like matrix although we know that is only fiction.

Like i said i love movies because we can lear very much about history and a lot of thing like that.

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