martes, 30 de junio de 2009
An award for the teacher
lunes, 29 de junio de 2009
Globalization. What Does It Really Mean?
What Does Globalization really mean?
Globalization for me is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. This process has effects on the environment, on culture, on political systems, on economic development and prosperity, and on human physical well-being in societies around the world.
Globalization has been driven by policies that have opened economies domestically and internationally. In the years since the Second World War, and especially during the past two decades, many governments have adopted free-market economic systems, vastly increasing their own productive potential and creating myriad new opportunities for international trade and investment. Governments also have negotiated dramatic reductions in barriers to commerce and have established international agreements to promote trade in goods, services, and investment. Taking advantage of new opportunities in foreign markets, corporations have built foreign factories and established production and marketing arrangements with foreign partners. A defining feature of globalization, therefore, is an international industrial and financial business structure.
Technology has been the other principal driver of globalization advances in information technology, in particular have dramatically transformed economic life. Information technologies have given all sorts of individual economic actors—consumers, investors, businesses—valuable new tools for identifying and pursuing economic opportunities, including faster and more informed analyses of economic trends around the world, easy transfers of assets, and collaboration with far-flung partners.
domingo, 28 de junio de 2009
Did you know? Part II
This video has a little more information about the video Victoria posted about the globalization. Pay attention to this video, I hope you enjoy it.
sábado, 27 de junio de 2009

The death of Michael's Jackson has caused sadness to world level. he was an idol and a God of many people. In spite of accusations he never stopped to be polemic and loved for all his fans. Since he started he was the first in front of everyone. And about my point of view I think that he could have been bigger if he had remained as the God's order, without any change of his body.

In 1984, Michael won a record breaking 8 Grammy awards in one night. The awards were for his work on the 'Thriller' album and his work on the narrative for the 'ET Storybook'.
On December 9th, 1984, at the last concert of the Jackson's Victory Tour, Michael announced he was splitting from the group and going solo.
In 1987, Michael released his much awaited third solo album, titled 'Bad', and lauched his record breaking first solo world tour. 1988, Michael wrote his first autobiography talking for the first time on his childhood and his career. At the end of the 1980s, Michael was named 'Artist Of The Decade' for his success off of his 'Thriller' and 'Bad' albums.
As Manuel and Mency said, I think our teacher is not the general run of people, as a teacher we have someone who is always trying new things and helping us in order to correct many mistakes we have.
In my case, I know him as a person a long time ago, but I didn´t know him as a teacher. Last summer, Ana, a friend of mine, took this level with him, and she told me she liked taking classes with him, and that she talks to that class to everybody, but in my personal opinion it isn´t just that I like it. I enjoy this class, and I don´t feel time passing during it. We don´t have many teachers like him. I´m really surprised.
jueves, 25 de junio de 2009
Michael Jackson's Death
Well Michael Jackson, the superstar, singer, songwriter and dancer who earned the title “King of Pop” in a career that reached unprecedented peaks of sales and attention died this Thursday, June 25, 2009 after suffering cardiac arrest as my friend karina said. Well he was just 50 years old I think “We have so suddenly lost one of the best and enchanting entertainers on our planet.
I feel very sorry about his death because I have always admired Him, I think the world has lost one of the greatest singers around the world, but his music will live on our heart forever! My heart goes out to his three children and other members of his family. God blesses him wherever he be at this moment.
This is my favorite song called “you are not alone” by this magnificent superstar name Michael Jackson this wonderful song have encouraged me a lot to go ahead in times when I feel depressed and lonely in this world although I want to say that I love all of his songs, videos and movies too.
I decided to post this video because I like it and my friend karina asked me to post it.
This song was written by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie, produced and conducted by Quincy Jones and recorded by a super group of 45 popular musicians who decided to build it for a charity campaign called USA for Africa which stands for(United Support of Artists for Africa).
They used this song to encourage the world to make a brighter day as the song said” for those Homeless Children in Africa who don’t have food or a place to live, the earning from the song were donated to a humanitarian campaign to try to end with the terrible starvation in Ethiopia.
Michael jackson is dead

Michael jackson died after suffering cardiac arrest
yesterday,i was thinking talk abaut a beautiful song composed by michael jackson ,it is called ´´we are the world´´it was chosen for an artists´s group to collect money for Africa´s, my husband called me and told me that michael perished.He was a controversial person but good artist.May he rest peace.
we are the world
Lionel richie
There comes a time when we heed a certain call
Lionel richie & stevie
when the world must come together as one
Stevie wonder
There are people dyingPaul simonAnd it’s time to lend a hand to life
Paul simon & kenny rogers
The greatest gift of allKenny rogersWe can’t go on pretending day by
by day
That someone, somewhere will soon make a change
Tina turner
We are all part of god’s great big family
Billy joel
And the truth, you know, love is all we need
we are the world, we are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter daySo let’s start giving
Diana ross
There’s a choice we’re makingWe’re saving our own lives
Michael & diana ross
It’s true we’ll make a better dayJust you and me
Dionne warwick
Send them your heartSo they’ll know that someone cares
Dionne warwick & willie nelson
And their lives will be stronger and free
Willie nelson
As God has shown us by turning stones to bread
Al jarreau
So we all must lend a helping hand
We are the world, we are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter daySo let’s start giving
Bob dylan
a choice we’re makingWe’re saving our own livesIt’s true we’ll make a better dayJust you and me
you’re down and out, there seems no hope at all
if you just believe there’s no way we can fall
well, well, well, well let us realize that a change can only come
Kim carnes
When we stand together as one
My point of view about the play Heaven
What I think about our english class
Class´s development
miércoles, 24 de junio de 2009
The New Members of Yo-yo´s Family
Heaven changed my live
The play we saw was fantastic. I have never seen something like that. If someone had told me in another moment of my life that being naked was part of our nature and that we were created by God without clothes I had not been agree because I had some convictions etched in my mind. I decide to change my mind now. So, that play made me grow as person.
My experience about the play.
I have seen like 7 plays in my life, but no one like "Heaven" that experience was a new one for me I didn´t imagine that in my life I could see a play with the characters naked. Before I saw this play I thought that to be naked in front of somebody was bad but is not, even in front of my mother I couldn´t be without clothes but now I can, yesterday night I was walking in the house naked and she told me "are you crazy put your clothes on" and I told her no mom this is art look at my body God created and it´s beautiful and I was explaining about what we were talking in the class (While I was naked) and even she is christian she could understand what I was trying to say, after 2 minutes she told me it is real you are naked and now I don´t feel like I felt at first to be naked is natural but we have a lot of wrong concepts about that.
martes, 23 de junio de 2009
Personal Opinion about “Heaven”

This is my personal opinion about the play that we saw called “Heaven” which is from Canada and was showed at El Palacio de Bellas Artes by Black and Blue Project.
Well I have to say that this wonderful play called “Heaven” has been the first play that I have seen in my life, and I think it was an excellent and surprising play and also that it was the nicest Art Expression ever shown in our country.
When we were talking in the class few days ago about the play and we decided to go and watch it, I thought the characters used some sort of clothes to cover their Sexual Organs but they were totally naked that was kind of crazy for me at first but then I realized that it was just art which means that it was something normal.
Although I admire their courage to dance naked in front of thousands of people who were there at El Palacio Bellas Artes without any fear, I think they did a great job I’m sure everybody like it and enjoyed it like me because people at the theatre behave normally like if the characters were dancing dressed.
Well on the other hand I think that the play tried to show us the human nature and the way that women and men behaved at the beginning of the world when we were created by God, I think this play was also related to the history of adman and iva when they were living in the Garden of Eden and they started to know the world and experiment new things, new feelings like the characters did when they were touching each other trying to know themselves.

´´Heaven ´´
It was an interesting play that i never had been,it was about human sexuality, how two men fight by a woman, homoxesuality and predominant sex.I was amaze because i was going to be painted people, but for me it was very funny when i saw naked body without paint,i wanted to laugh but i couldn´t because i was in theater and the people could say that i didn´t have culture.
lunes, 22 de junio de 2009
The Play '' Heaven''

Heaven was a really interesting play. That theatrical group has a very open mind creativity. Even though they were naked, they had the capacity to keep the artistic way in the play. They showed how humans can identify the sex between a woman and a man. And also how gay man could be a problem into a couple._
Are there really stupid things?

smart cars
It article is so intereresting becuase involve three topic smart cars,intelligent highway and the public transportation.First,it begin with many of the smart cars feature like sonar,radar,laser,computer,air bag, global positionig system(GPS) it system can pin point the location of the cars has good to ability to navigate .Drivers tell then where they want to go and then ,by mean of GPS navigetion device and computerized maps ,smart cars can figure out the best way to reach the driver destination.fourth paragraph is about smart cars problem,how to control this automovil technology? .´´Intelligent highway ´´is a type of highway feature one or more lane an which vehicle with special sensor and comunication system can trvele under computer control .I think that intelligent highway is the best method to crhonic trafic jams in our country,it can organize the public transportation
My opinion about a draft that Angy posted
Normally,at a specific moment, we dont pay attention to lyrics, the only thing we want is to enjoy it, but they are a group of adolescents and young adult that tend to listen this type of music, and probably they will finish seeing homesexuality as something normal. This is what I think.
domingo, 21 de junio de 2009

I haven't known about Yo-yo's popularity.

A compass, magnetic compass or mariner's compass is a navigational instrument for determining direction relative to the Earth's magnetic poles. It consists of a magnetized pointer (usually marked on the North end) free to align itself with Earth's magnetic field.
The compass greatly improved the safety and efficiency of travel, especially ocean travel. A compass can be used to calculate heading, used with a sextant to calculate latitude, and with a marine chronometer to calculate longitude. It thus provides a much improved navigational capability that has only been recently supplanted by modern devices such as the Global Positioning System (GPS). Synonyms taking from Thesaurus dictionary:
• Achieve
• Accomplish
• Attain
• Reach
sábado, 20 de junio de 2009
What do I think about smart cars? smart cars again, nooooooooo
I agree with all kind a tecnology, tecnology means that we are growing,and that is good.I agree with all kind of devices that make life easier for the human being. Particularly, in the case of smart cars, they are probably more near of us than we can imagine, because we are growing to a high speed in terms of tecnology. However, smart cars are in some ways a waste of money. People have to spent a lot of coins for built smart cars, and intelligent highways. I consider that they should use that money in a kind of activity that really could help poor people to change the way they live or maybe in a kind of educational project. Also, I think that smart cars could produce a huge number of damage for different reasons: pleople wont go to occupy their brain in anything , most people wont trust theirs lives to an intellligent thing, and what is more people wont go to respect the rules. But after all, as most things in live,smart cars have its advantages and disadvantages, and it is possible that its advantages are most considerered than its disadvantages, that is the reason why I cant say that in the near future I couldnt fit into a smart car.
I am alive
Finally, I want to say ¨thank you¨ to the teacher for give me the opportunity to participate in the annual conference for teachers of english. It was a good personal trial, I want to share my experience.And I think that this blog is not space enougth for put down what I really want to say; however, I want to say something about it.
The Conference was very interesting. It was about tecnology. I learned that we should use tecnology as a tool for make classes more interesting, easier,and a the same time we get into globalization. We are competiting in the XXI centuary, so we have to be proficient. Twenty years ego, We did not have all the possibilities we have today. So, why dont we use what we really have in hand? They are Thousants of mechanisms such as blogs, podcasts,communities,ect.that are in front ot ours eyes, but that we refuse to see them, because we are inmerse in a humdrum life.
Teacher, thank you for being the way you are. My respect go to you. without teachers like you We hadnt have partners like Yharis, Emmanuel, Loverluis,etc.that every single day encourage this blog with new things, new ideas, new ways of thinking and the most important thing :they have a desire of learn of scrutinize.
Thanks a lot.
see you on monday
viernes, 19 de junio de 2009
I kissed a girl...
I KISSED A GIRL AND I LIKE IT! isn't the best message in this days when homosexuality is a big problem that affect our society. I hope that she can to change her lyrics because her music is really really nice and...... I LIKE IT.
jueves, 18 de junio de 2009
Pictures of the family and friends of Mr.Yo-Yo
If chinese had continued as explorers

If the chinese had continued as globler explorers history might have been very different .in what ways could history have been changed?it could have been chanched in different ways .
First,we could have had chinese faction, short stature and black hair .
Second, our life style could have been conservative,merenge coudn´t have existed.
Third,Dominican Republic might have been called hotan (Hotan is a chinese city).
Fourth,we could have been good in business,ex technology,factory, food, etc.
Fifth,holyday could have been differet, ex virgin day couldn´t have existed on the contrary could have existed dragon year.
Sixth,we could have had more life years because chainese people take care of their health.
Seventh,we could have had different low ex,a chinese mariage can´t have more two children and it ´s preferece are boys because the can work.
Eighth,America could have had a huge population.
why ?Because my yo-yita left me for another yo-yito.
How is your favorite art ?
my favorite art is yo-yo ma.
What do yo do in your free time?
play with my yo-yita,and watching t.v.
where was you born?
I was born in china 1800,but i have been living in dominican republic for a long time ago,with my parents
Why do you like dominican rep?
Because the weather is excellent, people are vey funny and,hocosa,food is the richest the world.Finally he has a lot of good girls.
ok. thank you for your time.
The conference
We met a lot of people a lot of teachers and in my case I saw my old teachers from the dominico when I was a student there it was good to see them. This conference was of utmost importance for me, I will never forget that experience, it was awesome!
miércoles, 17 de junio de 2009
martes, 16 de junio de 2009
Learning increasingly about history._
lunes, 15 de junio de 2009
This article is about the explorer Christopher Columbus The man who discovered america.

The First Trip:
Columbus sailed for King Ferdinand II and Queen Isabella of Spain. On his first trip, Columbus led an expedition with three ships, the Niña (captained by Vicente Y. pinzon, the Pinta (owned and captained by Martin A pinzon), and the Santa Maria (captained by Columbus), and about 90 crew members. They set sail on Aug. 3, 1492 from Palos, Spain, and on October 11, 1492, spotted the Caribbean islands off southeastern North America. They landed on an island they called Guanahani, but Columbus later renamed it San Salvador. They were met by the local Taino Indians, many of whom were captured by Columbus' men and later sold into slavery. Columbus thought he had made it to Asia, and called this area the Indies, and called its inhabitants Indians.
While exploring the islands in the area and looking for gold to loot, Columbus' men traveled to the islands of Hispaniola (now divided into Haiti and the Dominican Republic), Cuba, and many other smaller islands. On the return trip, the Santa Maria was wrecked and the captain of the Pinta sailed off on his own to try to beat Columbus back. Columbus returned to Spain in the Nina, arriving on March 15, 1493.
In 1492, Columbus sailed from Spain with three ships. Two of the ships, the Niña and the Pinta were small caravels. The third ship, the Santa Maria, was larger, and was captained by Columbus. The ships were from 15 to 36 meters long. |
On a second, larger expedition (Sept. 25, 1493-June 11, 1496), sailed with 17 ships and 1,200 to 1,500 men to find gold and capture Indians as slaves in the Indies. Columbus established a base in Hispaniola and sailed around Hispaniola and along the length of southern Cuba. He spotted and named the island of Dominica on November 3, 1493.
The Third Trip:
On a third expedition (May 30, 1498-October 1500), Columbus sailed farther south, to Trinidad and Venezuela (including the mouth of the Orinoco River). Columbus was the first European since the Viking Leif Ericsson to set foot on the mainland of America.
On his fourth and last expedition (May 9, 1502-Nov. 7, 1504), Columbus sailed to Mexico, Honduras and Panama (in Central America) and Santiago (Jamaica). Columbus is buried in eastern Hispaniola (now called the Dominican Republic).
This is a Chistopher Columbus's Video Cartoons that I posted because it seems so funny to me.
A letter from a Yo-Yo

I take this moment to thank you all for the beautiful things you have said about us Yo-Yos in this blog. Your comments and even pictures have come to show the world that the Yo-Yo community is more than a passing fad. Yo-Yos entertain people of all ages, therefore, our existence is not limited to being little toys in the hands of little kids with no brain or retired adults whose lives will end soon. Your comments have lifted our spirits even more.We couldn't expect less from dominican people, since you are very Yo-Yo people. On behalf of the Yo-Yo Community, my wife Yo-Yita and my son Yo-Yitin, thank you once again for your friendship and support, we hope that you, like Yo-Yos, keep up the good work. Yours, Mr.Yo-Yo.
Category: MuSIC
WE ae told that love is a many -splendored thing'' and that ''love makes the world go round.''Thousands of boors, songs,magazines,an movies are peppered with the word.
NUmerous philosophical and theological systems have made a prominent place for love.AND THE founder of the christiand faih wanted love to be the distinguishing characteristic of HIS fallowers.
Psychologists ae concluded that the need to feel loved is a primary human emotional need.for love, we will climb mountains,cross seas,traverse desert sands,and endure untold hardships.Without love, mountains become unclimbable, seas uncrossable, deserts unbearable,and hardships our plight life. The christian apostle to the gentiles, paul,exalted love when he indicated that all human accomplishments that are not motivated by love are,in the end, empty.He concluded that in the last scene of the human drama, only three characters will ramain: ''faith, hope and love.BUT the greatest of these is love.''
domingo, 14 de junio de 2009
Last October 2008, Ms. Barbara, an American professor who teaches Spanish in Atlanta, Georgia came to the Dominican Republic. During that trip, she went to the Languages School to ask for languages students e-mails in order that her students can have communication with them in Spanish. We sent the e-mails, but just come of them got in contact.
A few months later, she sent an e-mail saying that she was here with her students. They stayed one month in Santiago and on June 4th they came to Santo Domingo. Before coming, she asked Lorenna, who was the one who sent Barbara all our mails, to tell us that they were arriving to the hotel at five o´clock and that if we can to meet them there at their arrival.
I was the first one who got there and, immediately, asked about Barbara. She went to meet me at the lobby. Next, the other girls arrived. We were six girls and they were twenty one boys, Barbara and one girl -who works with Barbara- called Mercedes. We started to talk about many things. We asked them many questions to know something about them, for example what do they study, where are they from, etc. to invite them to speak Spanish. I have to say that sometimes we said some sentences or words in English.
Well, I stayed there until six thirty because I had my English class at seven. After I left, they stayed for a while there at the hotel. Then, they went to walk to El Conde Street (their hotel is on El Conde Street). When I finished my class, -at nine o´clock-, I went back with them. By that time, they were at the Colonial Zone.
We had a wonderful time mainly because we could share with people who English is their native language and because we could help them a little with their Spanish. Even though I could not share much time with them, I liked the experience, and I think they liked it, too. Ms. Barbara told me they were going to come back later, and some of them said they were going to keep in touch.
The Ups and Downs of Yo-Yos
The ancient Greeks were playing with them more than 2,500 years ago, and there's some evidence that the Chinese had developed similar toys before that. There have been several variations on the yo-yo design through the years. In the original design, which was still popular until the early 20th century, the string was tied securely to the axle. This design achieved huge popularity in Europe in the 18th and 19th century, where it had a number of names, including bandelore, quiz and L'emigrette.
The yo-yo has had many different functions throughout history: as a weapon by the Philippines, a fashionable toy for the French nobility, and as a "sport" tried out on competitions. And, although the yo-yo has gone through periods of hibernation in its journey through the ages, its popularity, just like the toy itself, always comes back.
sábado, 13 de junio de 2009
Smart or Stupid?
This is a feature that engineers should add to real smart cars because I´m sure that it will help drivers to park their cars easier, or you think this is stupid.
A song about stupid cars by Toque Profundo

I love this dominican rock group because they have deep, social lyrics and their music is,in my very humble opinion,great. I recalled that they have this song about "stupid cars" and I decided to post it. I apologize because the song is in spanish. You can also see if you find the video in Youtube, watch it, but don´t post it here, please. I hope you enjoy this song as much as I do. Atilano Pimentel.
El Bolero Del Bionico
Cogí un carro publico en la Duarte con París
no cerraba la puerta había que ponerle un "clip"
con la ventana abierta pues no tenia cristal
empezó el aguacero y me comencé a mojar
le pasé cinco pesos y no me devolvió
me dijo - "No hay menudo", y la devuelta me tumbó
que bionico tan sucio en el que me subí
el chofer tenia grajo y me lo pegó a mi
Chofer al paso, que yo me quedo aquí
"Viejo, saca la mano que me voy a parar ahí"
El carro se para, me voy a desmontar
pero antes de apearme comienza a arrancar
Lo mas emocionante
Lo que mas me impresiono
le dio seis vueltas al guía
y el carro no doblo
llegue donde mi jeva con mi "looking" de "GQ"
y no me daba cuenta que un "spring" rompió mi "flux"
Chofer al paso que yo me quedo aquí
"viejo, saca la mano que me voy a parar ahí
y no me estralle’ la puerta" - cuidao con la banderita
el carro se para, me voy a desmontar
pero antes de apearme comienza a arrancar
Cogí un carro publico en La Duarte con París
a veces me arrepiento de vivir en mi país
Stupid cars, broken highways

Everybody knows that I have a Toyota 1989, the other day I was thinking about it as a "rolling freak". Some people say I am very tough and agressive when I refer to my car, and I might consider it is true. I sometimes talk to my car (of course when we are alone) and I ask him: are you stupid, or what? The question, of course, comes after being left in the middle of the sun, let´s say, at noon, when "El Solazo", couldn´t hit any harder. Anyway, when you compare my¨"oldie" (soon he´ll be 20 yrs old)with other cars in the public transportation system, you can say that those are really stupid, for example, I remember once I was running around in one, and when the driver tried to turn on the lights, the trunk opened. He tried to use the wipers and one of the doors opened. To deal with this "machine" they have different gadgets such as varillas which are very good for lifting the crystal in the windows when it's raining; they have pestillos to lock the doors (yeah the same ones that you use for the doors in your house); if the windows don't work properly because they cannot roll them up, they use un carton instead, which it never fails. Don't forget that to open the doors you need to take out your hands and do it from the outside, and also that if the driver wants to turn, he will do it by taking out his arm and indicating in which direction the car will move. Under these conditions it will be very difficult for smart cars to enter the dominican market, considering the fact that stupid cars have been around for quite a long time, and they will not accept being discarded just like that. We should be ready to see Hubieres, Figuereo and others claiming respect for these cars. Maybe after all we should not consider these vehicles stupid, but magic ones, yes I said magic, because to keep them running around for so many years you need something beyond magic. Take care, Atilano.
Participation at the Dominico´s Annual Conference

5 students from our class participated at the Dominico´s Conference 2009. Yharis, Emmanuel and Menzy were invited to join their teacher at the Conference, and even though they did it for just one day, the experience, I think, was worthwhile. Carina and Victoria also participated at the Conference. Carina was invited by UASD to join this activity, and as you know Victoria works at I.C.D.A. They all attended different workshops, and were able to share with different teachers and students as well. It is important to say that other students were invited, but they were either already engaged in other activities or they were nowhere to be found. Next week will have a chance of talking to these participants and hearing about their participation in this Conference. Take care, Atilano.
viernes, 12 de junio de 2009

Ivory and Ebony
Song ivory and ebony,by literal mean is difference between the colors people and white people .It say ,´´ivory and ebony livig together in perfect harmony ,side and side keyboard on my piano,why don´t we?my answer is,because some people have the idea to be better than the other people .Ex:before black people could not use same bus that white people ,but a lot of people were against and struggle and for sameness they were Nelson madela,was the first colors president,Richard wright, Martin luther king,Joe slovo,Oliver tambo.
Why dont we together?if all are people ,it doesn´t matter if you have different religion ,if you are rich or poor ,etc.I think that the most important are good feeling and thinking in humans for living thogether in harmony.
¨FOR GAD did not send his son into the world though him might be saved .
´´HE who believe in him is not condemned;but he who does not believe ialreade,because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten son of GAD.
The history of yo_yo
THE fisrt historical mention of the yo _yo however,was from greece in the year 500 B.C.
_Historical records indicate that 16th century hunters in the philippines hip up thees and used a rock tied to a long cord,up to 20 feet in length, to throw at wild animals beneath them.The weapon was able to be pulled up and thrown back dawn for multiple attempts at the prey.
_THE next historically dated mention of the yo_yo is a box from india in the year 1765.
IN france , a painting dated to1789 shows the 4year old future king lous xv11 holding his l´emigrette . IT was during this time of the french revolution and the ¨reingn of aristocracy were forced to flee to paris , GERMANY and across other borders when their style of life was thraetened by the peasant uprising ,taking their popular yo_yos made of glass and ivory with them.
_THE yo_yo´s value as a strees reliever is also seen though history while being a fashionable toy for the french nobility those less fortunate are said to have played with their emigrettes to reduce the understandable tension of their one way trip to the guillotine.
_THE yo _yo craze traveted thoughout europe to england by way of scottand and french.
_THE fist recorded reference to any type of yo_yo in the united states was in 1866 when two men from ohio received a patewnt for an invention called an improved bandalore,in that it was rim weigted.ONE year later, a german immigrant named charles kirchof patented and manufactured the return weel.
_IN1928 or1929,a businessman named DONALD F .DUCAN SR .SAW HIS FIST FLORES YO_YO while he was in san francisco .
HE saw the potential of the toy as he witnessed the crowd that pedro was able to draw by doing a few tricks.HE by not only the idea of the yo_yo,but the pedro flores company itself.
jueves, 11 de junio de 2009
Alicia Keys - Like You'll Never See Me Again"
well a few days ago we were listening and analyzing one of the best Alice keys'song called Like You'll Never see me Again" this is a nice song and it's extremely emotional and can make you think of your family, friends or that spacial person that you really love and you've never express him/her your feelings.
this song has encouraged me to express my family and friends that I love them so much and that they are very important for me.
I think everybody have to express their feelings and live like if today were the last time that you were going to see your family or that special person that you really love cause sometimes life ends and you never have a chance to say I love you..
I would like to know what would you do or say if you knew that the special person you love might no be around you anymore?
miércoles, 10 de junio de 2009
An honoring to the big one of the biggest

Today's night, we went to the library to see Victor Villegas' homage. He is an excellent avocat, humanist, writer, father, grandfather, friend, and husband. He published a book this night, known as ''He aqui mi confesion''. Besides, I was listening to some parts of his poems and I could take a phrase which called my attention, and says: ''Siento el perfume en fuga de la rosa mas alta de la montaña. According to a narration some of the caracteristics of his poems are dialogue, eroticism, extensive and others.
In the other hand, I want to let you know that I like to write and sometimes I write poems. I want to know what do you think about one that I will post which is about love.

Loving makes you kiss,
loving makes you live,
loving makes you cry,
When you are without him.
Kissing makes you feel,
living makes you think,
crying makes you throw,
what you don't believe.
Feeling makes you grow,
thinking makes you strong,
throwing makes you broke,
everything when you are bored.
Article about How to Read"

This is an article that I found on the internet about how to read" it is very important for me because most of the people around the world don't know how to read correctly.
Reading can make you a better writer, as long as you’re paying attention and leaving time to actually write. But what we’re talking about here is what you say, rather than how you say it.
People often think of learning as an information-gathering and retention process. But being able to recall and regurgitate information is low-level learning compared with insightful understanding.
Bloggers are big on regurgitation. These cut-and-paste creatives add value to the world through a mash-up of sources, right? Maybe, but without the ability to understand and communicate what it all means for the reader, you’re simply passing on your reading obligations to others, and that’s not giving people what they look for in a publication.
On the other hand, if you understand everything you read upon a casual once over, are you truly learning anything new? The material that gives you an edge in the insight department is the stuff that’s harder to understand. In other words, the writer is your superior when it comes to that particular subject matter, and it’s your job to close the expertise gap by reading well.
You do that by moving beyond learning by instruction, and increasing your true understanding by discovery. For example, you read a challenging book full of great information, and you understand enough of it to know that you don’t understand all of it.
At that point, you can dive into the book again and read more carefully. You can go to supplemental resources. You can read other books. All that matters is you do the work rather than asking someone, and I guarantee you’re really learning in the process.
For example, next time you read a challenging blog post and you’re not clear on a point, your first inclination might be to ask a question in the comments. Instead, read the post again. If it’s still not clear, go do some research on your own to see if you can figure it out. Then when you finally do ask a question, you’re on an entirely different level of understanding and can likely engage in a meaningful dialogue with the author.
Instruction is important and beneficial. But true understanding comes from your own exploration and discovery along the path.
The Four Levels of Reading
Back in 1940, a guy named Mortimer J. Adler jolted the “widely read” into realizing they might not be well read with a book calle How to Read a Book. Updated in 1973 and still going strong today, How to Read a Book identifies four levels of reading:
- Elementary
- Inspectional
- Analytical
- Syntopical
Each of these reading levels is cumulative. You can’t progress to a higher level without mastering the levels that come before.
1. Elementary Reading – Aptly named, elementary reading consists of remedial literacy, and it’s usually achieved during the elementary schooling years. Sadly, many high schools and colleges must offer remedial reading courses to ensure that elementary reading levels are maintained, but very little instruction in advanced reading is offered.
2. Inspectional Reading – Scanning and superficial reading are not evil, as long as approached as an active process that serves an appropriate purpose. Inspectional reading means giving a piece of writing a quick yet meaningful advance review in order to evaluate the merits of a deeper reading experience.
There are two types:
- Skimming: This is the equivalent of scanning a blog post to see if you want to read it carefully. You’re checking the title, the subheads, and you’re selectively dipping in and out of content to gauge interest. The same can be done with a book—go beyond the dust jacket and peruse the table of contents and each chapter, but give yourself a set amount of time to do it.
- Superficial: Superficial reading is just that… you simply read. You don’t ponder, and you don’t stop to look things up. If you don’t get something, you don’t worry about it. You’re basically priming yourself to read again at a higher level if the subject matter is worthy.
Stopping at inspectional reading is only appropriate if you find no use for the material. Unfortunately, this is all the reading some people do in preparation for their own writing.
3. Analytical Reading – At this level of reading, you’ve moved beyond superficial reading and mere information absorption. You’re now engaging your critical mind to dig down into the meaning and motivation beyond the text. To get a true understanding of a book, you would:
- Identify and classify the subject matter as a whole
- Divide it into main parts and outline those parts
- Define the problem(s) the author is trying to solve
- Understand the author’s terms and key words
- Grasp the author’s important propositions
- Know the author’s arguments
- Determine whether the author solves the intended problems
- Show where the author is uninformed, misinformed, illogical or incomplete
You’ll note that the inspectional reading you did perfectly sets the stage for an analytical reading. But so far, we’re talking about reading one book. The highest level of reading allows you to synthesize knowledge from a comparative reading of several books about the same subject.
4. Syntopical Reading – It’s been said that anyone can read five books on a topic and be an expert. That may be true, but how you read those five books will make all the difference. If you read those five books analytically, you will become an expert on what five authors have said. If you read five books syntopically, you will develop your own unique perspective and expertise in the field.
In other words, syntopical reading is not about the existing experts. It’s about you and the problems you’re trying to solve, in this case for your own readers. In this sense, the books you read are simply tools that allow you to form an understanding that’s never quite existed before. You’ve melded the information in those books with your own life experience and other knowledge to make novel connections and new insights. You, my friend, are now an expert in your own right.
Here are the five steps to syntopical reading:
- Inspection: Inspectional reading is critical to syntopical reading. You must quickly indentify which five (or 15) books you need to read from a sea of unworthy titles. Then you must also quickly identify the relevant parts and passages that satisfy your unique focus.
- Assimilation: In analytical reading, you identify the author’s chosen language by spotting the author’s terms of art and key words. This time, you assimilate the language of each author into the terms of art and key words that you choose, whether by agreeing with the language of one author or devising your own terminology.
- Questions: This time, the focus is on what questions you want answered (problems solved), as opposed to the problems each author wants to solve. This may require that you draw inferences if any particular author does not directly address one of your questions. If any one author fails to address any of your questions, you messed up at the inspection stage.
- Issues: When you ask a good question, you’ve identified an issue. When experts have differing or contradictory responses to the same question, you’re able to flesh out all sides of an issue, based on the existing literature. When you understand multiple perspectives within an individual issue, you can intelligently discuss the issue, and come to your own conclusion (which may differ from everyone else, thereby expanding the issue and hopefully adding unique value).
- Conversation: Determining the “truth” via syntopical reading is not really the point, since disagreements about truth abound with just about any topic. The value is found within the discussion among competing view points concerning the same root information, and you’re now conversant enough to hold your own in a discussion of experts. This is what the “online conversation” was supposed to look like according to early bloggers, and sometimes, it does. But mostly, the online conversation looks like the unqualified, unsubstantiated opinions of the ill-informed, and you’re not looking to be part of that scene.
Be a Demanding Reader for the Win
Reading, at its fundamental essence, is not about absorbing information. It’s about asking questions, looking for answers, understanding the various answers, and deciding for yourself. Think of reading this way, and you quickly realize how this allows you to deliver unique value to your readers as a publisher.
If you think all of this sounds like a lot of work, well… you’re right. And most people won’t do it, just like most people will never blog or publish online in the first place.
That’s why your readers need you. They need you to do the work for them, because they don’t want to become an expert. So, it’s your job to understand the complex and grasp the essentials, then make it simple, easy to read, and entertaining.