miércoles, 24 de junio de 2009

My experience about the play.

PalaciodeBellasArtes2-1.jpg image by Quisqueyano_2007

I have seen like 7 plays in my life, but no one like "Heaven" that experience was a new one for me I didn´t imagine that in my life I could see a play with the characters naked. Before I saw this play I thought that to be naked in front of somebody was bad but is not, even in front of my mother I couldn´t be without clothes but now I can, yesterday night I was walking in the house naked and she told me "are you crazy put your clothes on" and I told her no mom this is art look at my body God created and it´s beautiful and I was explaining about what we were talking in the class (While I was naked) and even she is christian she could understand what I was trying to say, after 2 minutes she told me it is real you are naked and now I don´t feel like I felt at first to be naked is natural but we have a lot of wrong concepts about that.

This play has changed my life in a good way by observing people naked and trying to understand what they were communicating I think I got the message that was: "look we are naked in front of you and nothing happens it is normal it is natural"

1 comentario:

  1. Emmanuel I like your post. We were both changed by this play. Also,It was so funny what you did in your house. That I think that for you was a little more significant than for me because I havent naked yet. It have to change me a little more.
