jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

Smart Cars

Hey y'all this was our first week of our summer English class, as all you guys know, we talked about Smart Cars, a Smart Car is an automobile with artificial intelligence functionality, we also got to the point if Dominican Republic was ready for S.C. but we got to the conclusion that by this time is not possible because first we have to educate people, have them respect the transportation laws, and the streets have to be prepared for that, how can they get prepared? well, first of all we need more lights, we also need to get rid of those public buses.

Here i found a funny picture of a Smart "little" Car i hope you guys like it and tell me your opinion about it, it was released under the name of Micro Hybrid Drive, The first M.H.D. sold in USA was in 2008 and they have a policy that for every M.H.D. they sell they will plant a tree... That's a really good idea, what do you think about that?

1 comentario:

  1. Hello,

    That´s a nice post you got there. I really like it and the picture is awesome. Keep up the good work, Atilano.
