lunes, 22 de junio de 2009

smart cars
It article is so intereresting becuase involve three topic smart cars,intelligent highway and the public transportation.First,it begin with many of the smart cars feature like sonar,radar,laser,computer,air bag, global positionig system(GPS) it system can pin point the location of the cars has good to ability to navigate .Drivers tell then where they want to go and then ,by mean of GPS navigetion device and computerized maps ,smart cars can figure out the best way to reach the driver destination.fourth paragraph is about smart cars problem,how to control this automovil technology? .´´Intelligent highway ´´is a type of highway feature one or more lane an which vehicle with special sensor and comunication system can trvele under computer control .I think that intelligent highway is the best method to crhonic trafic jams in our country,it can organize the public transportation

4 comentarios:

  1. I had it article in my blog but angela was my inspiracion.

  2. Hello Karina! I have to begin telling you that I know that I`m not the teacher and I`m going to sound like that, but what I want you is to be better than you are.

    You need to read this post again and check the spelling of some words, and the way you are conjugating verbs.

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. Thank you carina you can pin point the verbs please.
