viernes, 12 de junio de 2009

The history of yo_yo

It is believed that the yo_yo most likely originated in china .
THE fisrt historical mention of the yo _yo however,was from greece in the year 500 B.C.

_Historical records indicate that 16th century hunters in the philippines hip up thees and used a rock tied to a long cord,up to 20 feet in length, to throw at wild animals beneath them.The weapon was able to be pulled up and thrown back dawn for multiple attempts at the prey.

_THE next historically dated mention of the yo_yo is a box from india in the year 1765.

IN france , a painting dated to1789 shows the 4year old future king lous xv11 holding his l´emigrette . IT was during this time of the french revolution and the ¨reingn of aristocracy were forced to flee to paris , GERMANY and across other borders when their style of life was thraetened by the peasant uprising ,taking their popular yo_yos made of glass and ivory with them.

_THE yo_yo´s value as a strees reliever is also seen though history while being a fashionable toy for the french nobility those less fortunate are said to have played with their emigrettes to reduce the understandable tension of their one way trip to the guillotine.

_THE yo _yo craze traveted thoughout europe to england by way of scottand and french.

_THE fist recorded reference to any type of yo_yo in the united states was in 1866 when two men from ohio received a patewnt for an invention called an improved bandalore,in that it was rim weigted.ONE year later, a german immigrant named charles kirchof patented and manufactured the return weel.

_IN1928 or1929,a businessman named DONALD F .DUCAN SR .SAW HIS FIST FLORES YO_YO while he was in san francisco .
HE saw the potential of the toy as he witnessed the crowd that pedro was able to draw by doing a few tricks.HE by not only the idea of the yo_yo,but the pedro flores company itself.

1 comentario:

  1. Opinion about Yo-yo Player

    I like played yo-yo, when I was a child, in my neigborhood with some fried, but now, I think that it is a boring game, cause is only up and down.
