domingo, 7 de junio de 2009

Katy Perry's "I Kissed I Girl"

Before our teacher played that song in the classroom I had already heard it somewhere else, and I thought it was a pretty catchy song. While I listened to the lyrics I thought that she had lots of courage, and open-mindness to just, sing to the world that she had dared to kissed a girl, liked it, and wasn't ashamed of it. Of course the song could just be made up, strategically, thinking that MANY people whether boy or girl would feel identified with it. It is very common to find people nowadays doing this just to experiment or "to try it", so I'd say that that's why the song is so popular.

1 comentario:

  1. Hello Victoria!

    You need to reread this post and find a mistake you made in it. I know you can. Read it again and correct it, please.
