jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

If chinese had continued as explorers

If the chinese had continued as globler explorers history might have been very different .in what ways could history have been changed?it could have been chanched in different ways .
First,we could have had chinese faction, short stature and black hair .
Second, our life style could have been conservative,merenge coudn´t have existed.
Third,Dominican Republic might have been called hotan (Hotan is a chinese city).
Fourth,we could have been good in business,ex technology,factory, food, etc.
Fifth,holyday could have been differet, ex virgin day couldn´t have existed on the contrary could have existed dragon year.
Sixth,we could have had more life years because chainese people take care of their health.
Seventh,we could have had different low ex,a chinese mariage can´t have more two children and it ´s preferece are boys because the can work.
Eighth,America could have had a huge population.

1 comentario:

  1. My friend karina, your post is very interesting, but I´m sorry,I do not agree with you, because we can be a chinese people and grown up like them,but I remain that in china the women have to get marry very young with the boyfriend that their father choose, it´s boring that other person do something that you can do it.
